Computer & Communication Industry Association


California Holds Hearing On Internet Link Tax Legislation

Washington – A California Assembly committee will hold a hearing Tuesday afternoon on AB 886, a bill that would tax links based on internet search inquiries. While there is proposed federal legislat...
  • Statements
  • Trade

CCIA Response To Push For US Commerce, Trade Officials To Stand Down

The following is in response to the latest pressure U.S. economic officials are under to essentially stand down on a key aspect of their roles—standing up for U.S. economic interests abroad. A lett...
  • Press Releases
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CCIA Testifies Against Minnesota Bill Restricting Teens Access To Online Communities, Asks For Compliance Clarifications On Other Proposals

Washington – Minnesota is advancing legislation that would require online sites to collect additional personal data, including verifying users age and geolocation to comply with a slate of proposals...
  • Press Releases
  • Privacy

Nine Organizations Send Letter Opposing Florida Digital Legislation Ahead Of Hearing

Washington – Florida senators are scheduled to hear testimony Monday on legislation that would make it more difficult for businesses and nonprofits to reach local audiences with lower cost ad campai...

CCIA Joins Industry Statement Calling For Implementing Framework to Support Cross-Border Data Flows

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association has joined 34 other trade associations in releasing a statement in support of the work by the Group of Seven (G7) countries to fos...

CCIA Files Comments On FTC Rulemaking Proposal On Non-Competes

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments in response to the Federal Trade Commission’s proposal to ban non-compete clauses for workers. CCIA agrees with t...
  • Digital Economy

CCIA Research Center Analysis Finds German Internet Policy Wastes $22.25 Million & Over 50 Years of User Time Annually

Washington – A new analysis published by the CCIA Research Center finds that Germany’s Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG), which mandates user-generated content removal on social media sites, is ine...

House E&C Hearing Reflects Agreement On FTC Core Mission, Frustration Over Recent Activities, Staff Exits

Washington – A House Energy and Commerce subcommittee heard testimony from the Federal Trade Commissioners during a hearing on the agency’s budget today. Subcommittee Chairman Gus Bilirakis, R- Fl...

CCIA Submits Comments To NTIA On National Spectrum Strategy

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments  with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration in response to a request for how to best ...
  • Press Releases
  • Competition
  • Content Moderation
  • Privacy

CCIA Unveils New State Legislative Tracking Maps 

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association unveiled a set of state legislative tracking maps Wednesday to provide near-current updates on legislative content moderation, pri...
  • Press Releases
  • Innovation Policy

New CCIA Research Center & Copia Study Finds Global Harms to Investment, Innovation & Free Speech from Policies Increasing Legal Risk for Digital Services

Washington – New research from the CCIA Research Center and the Copia Institute analyzes the unintended impacts of policies targeting internet services in seven countries, finding that rules increas...
  • Press Releases
  • Privacy

CCIA Submits Letters Opposing California Technology Bills 

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association today submitted multiple letters of opposition to several problematic California legislative proposals currently under committee c...