Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Offers Comments Detailing Methods to Boost North American Competitiveness

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association provided input with the Office of the United States Trade Representative regarding its request for comments on the “Work of the ...
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CCIA Statement Following House Judiciary FTC Oversight Hearing

Washington – House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan held a Federal Trade Commission oversight hearing Thursday aimed at getting answers on mismanagement at the FTC and revelations that ethics recommend...
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CCIA Welcomes Progress on Global Tax Reform Efforts, Agreement to Extend Digital Services Tax Moratorium

Washington – The OECD has announced that countries with digital services taxes in place have agreed to extend the current pause on the taxes through 2024 while work continues on implementation of gl...
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  • Emerging Technology

CCIA Provides Written Comments Ahead Of AI Copyright Hearing

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted a written statement for the record to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property ahead of a hearing this...
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  • Telecom

CCIA Statement On Senate Commerce Committee Advancing FCC Nominees

Washington – The Senate Commerce Committee has favorably voted three nominees to the Federal Communication Commission. The FCC has been without a fifth commissioner since shortly after President Bid...
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EU Countries Seal Data Transfer Deal With United States After Years of Uncertainty

Brussels, BELGIUM – The EU’s new transatlantic data transfer deal with the United States has been signed off by the 27 EU Member States, ending three years of legal uncertainty. By finally ratifyi...
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  • Digital Economy

New Research Suggests Omnichannel and E-Commerce Boom Benefited Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Most

Washington – Surprising findings in a new study of U.S. Census Bureau data by NERA Economic Consulting suggest a direct link between the resurgence and growth of small and medium-sized retail busine...
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  • Emerging Technology

CCIA Responds To OSTP Questions On AI

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted comments to the Office of Science and Technology Policy in response to questions about Artificial Intelligence. CCIA rec...
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CCIA Releases Paper Analyzing Constitutional Problems Of CJPA

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association released a legal analysis on the Constitutional issues raised by the California Journalism Preservation Act. The bill, AB 886, wou...
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DMA Compliance Report: CCIA Europe Shares Feedback With Commission

Brussels, BELGIUM – The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA Europe) submitted its feedback to the European Commission’s public consultation on the template for the Digital Mar...
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  • Privacy

GDPR Enforcement Safeguards Not Sufficiently Strengthened by New EU Rules

Brussels, BELGIUM – In order to speed up cross-border enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Commission presented a new set of rules today. Minor improvements asi...
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CCIA Statement on Biden Administration’s Implementation of EU-US Data Privacy Framework

Washington –  Today U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced that the United States Government had fulfilled its commitments for implementing the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework announ...