Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Press Releases
  • Competition

CCIA Competition Expert Testifies Before Brazilian Congress On Proposed Antitrust Regulation

Washington – As countries face increasing political pressure to regulate technology companies, Brazil is also examining its policies on tech regulation. During testimony before Brazil’s Congress o...
  • Press Releases
  • Telecom

CCIA Encourages FCC To Expand Use of 12 GHz Spectrum Bands to Bolster America’s Broadband Coverage

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission today on expanding the types of services allowed in two bands of 12 GHz ...
  • Press Releases
  • Trademark

CCIA Supports Fair Use In South Africa In USTR Filing

Washington – The U.S. Trade Representative is considering charges from the International Intellectual Property Alliance that South Africa should lose its eligibility for trade benefits under the Afr...
  • Press Releases
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FTC Receives Health Breach Notification Comments As It Seeks To Expand Scope

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission ahead of a proposed rulemaking on the Health Breach Notification Rule. CCIA suppo...
  • Press Releases
  • Content Moderation

CCIA Files Briefs In Casino Apps Cases

Washington – Ahead of the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit hearing several cases involving online casino apps, the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed three similar friend...
  • Statements
  • Competition

CCIA Statement Opposing Legislation to Build More Bureaucracy for Digital Sector

Washington – Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) are introducing legislation that would create an additional federal agency to regulate specific U.S. digital leaders. Depend...
  • Press Releases
  • Privacy

CCIA Opposes Digital Service Bills KOSA & CTOPPA, Asks For Federal Privacy Law Instead

Washington – Ahead of a Senate Commerce Committee vote Thursday, the Computer & Communications Industry Association sent a letter to Committee Chair Sen. Cantwell (D-Wash.) and Ranking Member Se...
  • Press Releases
  • Trade

CCIA Offers Comments In Brazil ANATEL Proceeding on Network Investment 

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association provided input (translation here) in response to Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) consultation regarding the...
  • Press Releases
  • Emerging Technology
  • Innovation Policy

CCIA Statement on Senate AI Oversight Hearing

Washington – The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law held a hearing Tuesday on artificial intelligence oversight to discuss best principles for AI regulation. Subcommit...
  • Press Releases
  • Competition

CCIA Statement In Response To Newly Proposed Merger Guidelines

Washington –  The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice have released new proposed merger guidelines that reflect the agencies’ increased scrutiny to further limit mergers and ac...
  • Press Releases
  • Competition

CCIA Files Comments On Proposed UK Regulation Regarding Competition in Digital Markets

Washington – As the UK Parliament considers its Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Bill, the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments today recommending that UK ...
  • Press Releases
  • Trade

CCIA Statement Following 4th IPEF Negotiating Round 

Washington – Participants of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework met this past week in South Korea to hold the fourth in-person round of negotiations for the agreement. Following the conclusion of t...