Computer & Communication Industry Association


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CCIA Offers Comments On Indian Merger Regulations

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments on the Competition Commission of India’s draft merger (combinations) regulations, highlighting CCIA’s concerns ...
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CCIA’s Response To Expanded Targets In FTC’s Case Against Amazon Prime’s Sign Up Policies 

Washington – The Federal Trade Commission, which announced a case against Amazon’s retail signup and cancellation practices in June, has expanded the case now to name three Amazon executives in th...
  • Press Releases

CCIA Appoints New Head of Europe

Brussels, BELGIUM – The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) is pleased to announce Daniel Friedlaender as its new Senior Vice President and Head of Office for CCIA Europe. ...
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Senate Committee To Question FTC Nominees At Hearing Wednesday

Washington – Senate Commerce Committee Chair Maria Cantwell has scheduled a full committee nominations hearing Wednesday to consider three nominees to the Federal Trade Commission, including two Rep...
  • Statements
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Digital Markets Act: CCIA Europe Raises Concerns About Consumer Profiling Template

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA Europe) filed a submission to the European Commission’s consultation on the template relating to the reporting on consumer profiling tech...
  • Press Releases
  • Privacy

CCIA Responds To Ruling that California’s Child Privacy Law Likely Violates First Amendment

Here is the Computer & Communications Industry Association’s response to a federal district court’s grant of a preliminary injunction today in NetChoice v. Bonta, a legal challenge to the Cali...
  • Press Releases
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CCIA Offers Comments On FTC and DOJ’s Draft Merger Guidelines

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments in response to the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice’s draft Merger Guidelines, released for...
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CCIA Provides Input to Pennsylvania Lawmakers on Adding Child Online Measure To A Bill

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association sent a letter to Pennsylvania state legislators ahead of a potential vote on a bill aimed at improving teens’ mental health but ...
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DOJ Offers Opening Arguments In Case Against Google’s Search Engine

Washington – The Department of Justice presented opening arguments in its case against Google’s search agreements. While much of the DOJ’s case was tossed out in August for lacking legal merit, ...
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DOJ Antitrust Trial Against Google Search to Begin

Washington – The Department of Justice will begin presenting its antitrust case against Google’s search agreements in federal district court Tuesday. The government will need to prove that Google ...
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CCIA Files Comments with Finance Canada on Proposed Digital Services Tax 

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments in response to Canada’s consultation regarding a digital services tax proposed in its 2023 budget.   ...
  • Press Releases
  • Telecom

CCIA Statement On Senate Confirming Gomez for FCC  

Washington – The Senate has confirmed Anna Gomez for the Federal Communication Commission. This vote to approve Biden appointee Gomez now means the FCC has a full slate of regulators on the job for ...