Computer & Communication Industry Association


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  • Patents

CCIA Submits PTO Comments On Discretionary Denial System Cost To U.S. Patentholders

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on an advance proposal of rulemaking, saying the discretionary denial sys...
  • Press Releases
  • Emerging Technology

CCIA Statement On House National AI Commission Act

Washington - Reps. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., and Ken Buck, R-Colo., introduced a bill today to direct the White House and Congress to create a National Artificial Intelligence  Co...
  • Press Releases
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CCIA, IADC File Amicus In Class Action Appeal Involving Google Play

Washington - The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed an amicus brief today supporting a request that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reverse the District Court’s...
  • Statements
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Data Act’s Undue Data Portability Restrictions: CCIA Requests EU Privacy and Competition Enforcers To Step In

Brussels, BELGIUM – The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA Europe) sent a letter to the European Commission and a separate one to the European Data Protection Board earlier tod...
  • Press Releases
  • Competition

CCIA Submits Letter Asking Senate Committee To Reject Unconstitutional JCPA

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association sent a written statement to Senate Judiciary Committee members ahead of a markup Thursday, asking them to reject unconstitutional...
  • Press Releases
  • Emerging Technology
  • Innovation Policy

AI Act: EU Lawmakers Abandon Risk-Based Approach, Start Final Negotiations

Brussels, BELGIUM – Today, the European Parliament adopted its position on the landmark Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, paving the way for final negotiations with the 27 EU Member States starting ...
  • Press Releases
  • Digital Economy

EU Product Liability: Council Position Is Missed Opportunity To Improve New Rules

Brussels, BELGIUM – The Council of the European Union adopted the position of Member States on the revision of the Directive on the Liability for Defective Products (PLD) today. The Computer &...
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CCIA Warns Ohio Lawmakers of Risks to Internet Users from New State Budget Provision

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association sent a letter to Ohio lawmakers Thursday to express concerns about a section added to the state’s appropriations bill that would...
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CCIA Releases New Online Tool Detailing Barriers for Digital Exporters Around the World

Washington – In light of a global increase in harmful foreign regulatory proposals that threaten trade relations and the $2.41 trillion U.S. digital economy, the Computer & Communications Indust...
  • Press Releases
  • Tax

California House Passes Link Tax On News Stories

Sacramento, Calif. – The California Assembly passed a bill today that would tax links based on internet search inquiries and social media connected to news stories. California’s AB 886, the “Cal...
  • Press Releases
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CCIA Sends Letter Asking Texas Governor To Veto HB 18

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association has sent a letter urging Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) to veto legislation that would impair current efforts to protect children ...
  • Statements
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CCIA Statement on 4th Meeting of EU-U.S. Trade & Technology Council

Luleå, SWEDEN – EU and U.S. officials met May 30-31 in Luleå, Sweden for the fourth meeting of the EU-U.S. Trade & Technology Council to discuss continued work on transatlantic cooperation on ...