Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Statements
  • Competition

CCIA Statement Opposing Legislation to Build More Bureaucracy for Digital Sector

Washington – Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) are introducing legislation that would create an additional federal agency to regulate specific U.S. digital leaders. Depend...
  • Press Releases
  • Privacy

CCIA Opposes Digital Service Bills KOSA & CTOPPA, Asks For Federal Privacy Law Instead

Washington – Ahead of a Senate Commerce Committee vote Thursday, the Computer & Communications Industry Association sent a letter to Committee Chair Sen. Cantwell (D-Wash.) and Ranking Member Se...
  • Press Releases
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CCIA Offers Comments In Brazil ANATEL Proceeding on Network Investment 

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association provided input (translation here) in response to Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) consultation regarding the...
  • Press Releases
  • Emerging Technology
  • Innovation Policy

CCIA Statement on Senate AI Oversight Hearing

Washington – The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law held a hearing Tuesday on artificial intelligence oversight to discuss best principles for AI regulation. Subcommit...
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  • Competition

CCIA Statement In Response To Newly Proposed Merger Guidelines

Washington –  The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice have released new proposed merger guidelines that reflect the agencies’ increased scrutiny to further limit mergers and ac...
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CCIA Files Comments On Proposed UK Regulation Regarding Competition in Digital Markets

Washington – As the UK Parliament considers its Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Bill, the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments today recommending that UK ...
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CCIA Statement Following 4th IPEF Negotiating Round 

Washington – Participants of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework met this past week in South Korea to hold the fourth in-person round of negotiations for the agreement. Following the conclusion of t...

CCIA Offers Comments Detailing Methods to Boost North American Competitiveness

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association provided input with the Office of the United States Trade Representative regarding its request for comments on the “Work of the ...
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CCIA Statement Following House Judiciary FTC Oversight Hearing

Washington – House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan held a Federal Trade Commission oversight hearing Thursday aimed at getting answers on mismanagement at the FTC and revelations that ethics recommend...
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CCIA Welcomes Progress on Global Tax Reform Efforts, Agreement to Extend Digital Services Tax Moratorium

Washington – The OECD has announced that countries with digital services taxes in place have agreed to extend the current pause on the taxes through 2024 while work continues on implementation of gl...
  • Press Releases
  • Emerging Technology

CCIA Provides Written Comments Ahead Of AI Copyright Hearing

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted a written statement for the record to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property ahead of a hearing this...
  • Press Releases
  • Telecom

CCIA Statement On Senate Commerce Committee Advancing FCC Nominees

Washington – The Senate Commerce Committee has favorably voted three nominees to the Federal Communication Commission. The FCC has been without a fifth commissioner since shortly after President Bid...