Computer & Communication Industry Association


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CCIA Comment_CFPB RFI on data brokers

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CCIA Statement Following House Judiciary FTC Oversight Hearing

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CCIA Welcomes Progress on Global Tax Reform Efforts, Agreement to Extend Digital Services Tax Moratorium

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CCIA Provides Written Comments Ahead Of AI Copyright Hearing

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Copyright

CCIA Statement for the Record on AI and Copyright

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  • Telecom

CCIA Statement On Senate Commerce Committee Advancing FCC Nominees

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • European Union

TRIS notification – FR Influencer bill – CCIA Europe contribution

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Cybersecurity

Joint Recommendations for a Feasible Cyber Resilience Act

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EU Countries Seal Data Transfer Deal With United States After Years of Uncertainty

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  • Digital Economy

New Research Suggests Omnichannel and E-Commerce Boom Benefited Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Most

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CCIA Responds To OSTP Questions On AI

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Emerging Technology

OSTP RFI on National Priorities for AI

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CCIA Summary – Tennessee Information Protection Act

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CCIA Summary – Florida Digital Bill of Rights

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CCIA Summary – Texas Data Privacy and Security Act