Computer & Communication Industry Association


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CCIA Statement Responding to Senate KOSA Legislation

Washington – Sen. Richard Blumenthal has released updated text for his Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) legislation today. The Computer & Communications Industry Association shares lawmakers’ goa...
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CCIA Files Supreme Court Reply Briefs Showing How Florida, Texas Social Media Laws Violate the First Amendment

Washington – On February 26, the Supreme Court will hear cases challenging the constitutionality of Florida and Texas social media laws, which seek more government control over what content is displ...
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Research Shows Key Patent Licensing Flaws Increase Costs and Litigation, Reduce Innovation

Washington – A new economic analysis from the CCIA Research Center explores how the licensing process for standard essential patents (SEPs) often fails to be fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory...
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Online Payments: EU Parliament Committee Sides with Big Banks That Want to Escape Responsibility

Brussels, BELGIUM – Today, the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) adopted its position on the Payment Services Regulation (PSR), which introduces new rules for pr...
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GDPR: European Parliament Position Misses the Mark, With Enforcement Becoming Even More Complicated

Brussels, BELGIUM – Tomorrow, the European Parliament’s leading Civil Liberties (LIBE) Committee is set to adopt its position on the proposal to introduce additional procedural rules on the Genera...
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CCIA Files Amicus Brief Supporting Challenge To California Social Media Law

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed an amicus brief Tuesday with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in NetChoice v. Bonta, which challenges AB 2273...
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New Research: EU Cloud Customers’ Choice Limited by Productivity Software Licensing

According to new research by data intelligence company Savanta, European customers’ freedom to choose cloud infrastructure is being limited, or even eliminated, when they want to move their workload...
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House Ways & Means Committee to Discuss How U.S. Can Assert Its Leadership at the Upcoming WTO Ministerial By Prohibiting New Digital Tariffs 

Washington -- The U.S. House Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee will hold a hearing on Wednesday regarding “Advancing America’s Interests at the World Trade Organization’s 13th Ministerial Meet...
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CCIA Testifies, Submits Comments on Device Filtering Bills in Iowa, Idaho

Washington –  Computer & Communications Industry Association State Director Khara Boender testified this week opposing legislation in Idaho and submitted comments ahead of a hearing on an Iowa ...
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CCIA Europe Statement on AI Act Text Agreed by EU Member States

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA Europe) issued the following statement regarding the fact that EU Member States’ diplomats agreed on the final wording of the AI Act text...
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CCIA Submits Comments to Australian Treasury on Proposed Merger Reform

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted comments on the Australian Treasury’s consultation on merger reform, which is part of the government’s broader revie...
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CCIA Submits Comments Ahead of USTR’s Annual Special 301 Report On Trade Barriers

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments today with the U.S. Trade Representative, asking USTR to identify countries using intellectual property rules and c...