Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Statements
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Competition in Generative AI: CCIA Europe Comments on Market’s State of Play

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA Europe) submitted its response to the European Commission's call for contributions on generative artificial intelligence (AI) and competiti...
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CCIA Submits Comments on the United Nations Global Digital Compact Consultation

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments today with the United Nations to provide feedback on the elements of the still-developing Global Digital Compact.&n...
  • Press Releases
  • Digital Economy

CCIA Offers Response to President Biden’s State of the Union Address

Washington – President Biden pointed to signs of economic growth during his State of the Union address Thursday, months ahead of his reelection bid. President Biden spoke of his vision for the futur...
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CCIA Statement on House Bill That Would Essentially Block TikTok in the U.S.

Washington – Today, the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce is marking up H.R. 7521, the “Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act” that would place restri...
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CCIA Response to Korea Fair Trade Commission Direction on Platform Competition Bill 

Washington – In policy talks with the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, Chairman of the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) Han Ki-jeong has announced that the Commission will continue pushing f...
  • Statements
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CCIA Statement Ahead of State of the Union

Washington – President Biden faces Congress and voters this week to highlight his accomplishments, and make his case for re-election. He will likely cite signs of a rising economy. While the outlook...
  • Press Releases

CCIA Europe Welcomes Opera as Latest Member, Announces Promotions

Brussels, BELGIUM — The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA Europe) is pleased to welcome Opera as its latest member in Europe. Founded in Norway, Opera is a pioneer in inter...
  • Statements
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CCIA Europe Statement on Digital Markets Act (DMA) Compliance Deadline

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA Europe) issued the following statement ahead of the 7 March 2024 compliance deadline for companies designated under the Digital Markets Act...
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CCIA Files Comments Opposing Minnesota Social Media Bill

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments with the Minnesota legislature opposing a bill that would regulate social media platforms and raise Constitutional ...
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CCIA Voices Concerns Over Recent Amendments to Florida’s HB 3

Washington  – Florida’s senate has approved a new bill today prohibiting social media platforms from allowing certain younger users from becoming account holders after Gov. DeSantis vetoed a sim...
  • Press Releases
  • Trade

CCIA Responds to Conclusion of WTO’s 13 Ministerial Conference

Washington – At the World Trade Organization’s 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) February 27-March 1, trade ministers reviewed the functioning of the multilateral trading system and considered ac...
  • Press Releases
  • Trade

WTO Ministerial to Chart Future of Digital Trade Tariffs, Growth

Washington – At the WTO’s 13th Ministerial meeting (MC13) in Abu Dhabi this week, countries will be deciding whether to maintain a ban on duties imposed on electronic transmissions.  Last ...