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  • Internet Freedom
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Internet Freedom and Jackson-Vanik

One of the most prominent trade issues in 2012 centers on Congressional approval of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) with Russia.  While extending PNTR to Russia would provide some economic be...

EU Court of Justice Resolves Copyright Case That Threatened Internet Browsing

Brussels – European Internet users can continue to visit websites thanks to a lengthy copyright case that the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) resolved today. The ruling found that copies that ar...

CCIA's Black Tells Senate, "Internet Censorship Is A Trade Barrier"

Computer & Communications Industry Association President & CEO Ed Black is scheduled to testify Thursday at a Senate Finance subcommittee hearing, “International Trade in the Digital Economy...
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  • EU
  • Competition

EC To Investigate Search Engine Policies

The European Commission has announced that it was opening an investigation into search and search advertising focused on Google. The investigation comes after complaints from three companies that we...
  • Competition

EC Issues Record Fine In Google Shopping Case; CCIA Concerned About Chilling Effect On Innovation

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission announced a record fine today. Its antitrust investigation began seven years ago after some online price comparison sites complained Google favored its own...

CCIA Concerned About Turkey Blocking Internet Commerce

Brussels/Washington – There are conflicting media reports about whether Turkey, after earlier actions taken against Twitter, has now also blocked access to YouTube. News that some Internet users are...

CCIA Calls On FCC To Release Preliminary Findings on AT&T

Just before the holiday the FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski circulated an order to fellow commissioners that would refer the AT&T merger to an administrative law judge for review. The decision was...

CCIA Welcomes Increased Scrutiny of China’s Internet Restrictions

The Computer & Communications Industry Association applauds today’s action by the United States Trade Representative requesting detailed information regarding China’s Internet restrictions. Us...
  • Telecom

FCC Faces Tough Questions Defending Its Actions Rescinding Open Internet Protections

Washington -- Before the DC Circuit Court of Appeals today, the FCC struggled to defend its order that rescinded net neutrality rules. Three Appeals Court judges will decide whether the FCC’s action...
  • Telecom

Congress Needs To Offer A Boost For 5G; CCIA Offers 6 Principles For A Broadband Buildout Bill

Washington -- On Tuesday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee is expected to discuss almost two dozen broadband infrastructure bills aimed at laying the groundwork for 5G deployment and higher spe...
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  • Telecom

Stimulating Bridges to Broadband

A new report from the Pew Center on States suggests that the biggest obstacle to bringing broadband Internet to Americans may just be Americans themselves. While the majority of Americans currently ...

CCIA Urges California Supreme Court to Reject Universal Internet Jurisdiction

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) filed an amicus curiae brief today with the California Supreme Court, urging the court to overturn a controversial lower ...