Computer & Communication Industry Association

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2012 Internet Freedom and Online Censorship

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2011 Internet Freedom and Online Censorship

The Sky Is Truly Rising For The Luxury Goods Market, Study Says

Brussels - The Computer & Communication Industry Association has released the fourth study in the “The Sky is Rising” series focusing on the Internet’s economic impact on the luxury goods se...
  • Blog
  • Privacy & Security

CCIA Files Comments on Big Data and Consumer Privacy in the Internet Economy

Washington - The Department of Commerce, through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), recently sought public comment on how the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights could ...
  • Blog
  • EU
  • Patent Reform & Copyright
  • US
  • White Papers & Reports

CCIA Releases EU Economic Study On Copyright Policy

A new study on the economic benefits of exceptions to copyright law released in Europe today by CCIA could help as policy makers around the world make decisions on how to balance copyright policy. T...

DOJ Proposes Modifying Law Supporting Free Speech Online In Effort To Pressure Internet Companies On Content Moderation Policies

Washington -- Today the Justice Department announced a proposal to alter the law that allows internet users to instantly communicate online. The law, known as Section 230, was envisioned to protect fr...

House Subcommittee Gets Facts On International Efforts To Control Internet

There has been a growing push over the past decade by some other countries to exert international control over the Internet. The tech industry joins those who are concerned about upcoming efforts to u...
  • Internet Freedom

Evolution of Open Internet to 2015 Success

Seven or eight years ago, the most active companies in the first Open Internet Coalition were Amazon, eBay, Google and Skype. Twitter was barely a twinkle and I don’t know how I really lived without...
  • Telecom

CCIA Praises President’s Support For Open Internet Via Title II

Washington - President Obama released a statement today that strongly supports the reclassification of broadband access as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. Th...

Senate Judiciary Committee Embraces French Proposal for Internet Regulation

Within 48 hours of French President Sarkozy proposing sweeping international regulation of the Internet at the eG-8 meeting, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill allowing the U.S. Depar...

CCIA’s Black Tells Senate, “Internet Censorship Is A Trade Barrier”

Computer & Communications Industry Association President & CEO Ed Black is scheduled to testify Thursday at a Senate Finance subcommittee hearing, “International Trade in the Digital Economy...

CCIA Files Comments at the FCC on Preserving the Open Internet Post Comcast

The Computer & Communications Industry filed comments today in the second round of responses to the FCC’s rulemaking to preserve access to an open Internet. Protecting access to the public Inter...