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France’s 3 Strikes “Hadopi” to be Abolished; U.S. Preparing Copyright Alert System

Certain industries who prioritize controlling their content expend considerable amounts of time and money on lobbying for legislation, such as SOPA and PIPA.  However, the RIAA, one of the most voc...

EU Competition Commissioner Issues Statement of Objections to Google

Brussels - Today, European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager announced that the European Commission has issued a statement of objections in the Google competition investigation.  The Commis...
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House Communications Subcommittee Expected To Register Disapproval of FCC's Rules To Ensure Customers' Open Internet Access

Months after the FCC’s December vote to approve the Open Internet Order we’re still talking about net neutrality. Nonstop. The House Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communicatio...

Data Available On Unsecured Wireless Networks and To IAPs Raise Privacy Issues

Washington – A group called Consumer Watchdog, which has almost exclusively focused on regularly criticizing Google, recently undertook an effort to gather and release personal data it collected out...

CCIA Releases Research Paper on Online Liability and Trade

As the economy shows increasing signs of recovery and growth, many Internet companies see overseas markets as the next stage of that growth. But to fully realize that growth for the technology industr...
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Let’s Get Smart About Online Outlaws

Friends of mine who are real movie buffs with an enviable home theater and other wonderful rooms throw an annual Oscars party complete with red carpet and guests dressed up as characters from the year...
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Let’s Get Smart About Online Outlaws

Friends of mine who are real movie buffs with an enviable home theater and other wonderful rooms throw an annual Oscars party complete with red carpet and guests dressed up as characters from the year...
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Plan to Expand Tax Collection for Online Businesses Discussed in Senate Finance Hearing

The Senate Finance Committee held an April 25th hearing on “Tax Reform: What It Means for State and Local Tax and Fiscal Policy.”  Within the broader theme of the hearing, there was a lively ex...
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Online Taxes On House Agenda

Online taxes has become a focus on Capitol Hill with various competing bills and last week the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on “Constitutional Limitations on States’ Authority to Colle...

Advocate General at the EU Court of Justice Issues Opinion In Coty Germany Case on Online Marketplace Bans

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Advocate General Nils Wahl delivered his opinion in the Coty Germany case (Case C-230/16). The case deals with contractual provisions a producer of luxury cosmetics imposed on his...

EU Terrorist Content Proposal, Good Intentions But Risks To Online Rights And Europe’s Tech Sector

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the European Commission presented its proposal for a regulation on ‘preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online.’ This proposal puts a range of new obligati...
  • Competition

Economic Study Estimates Cost of Online Platform and Marketplace Regulation at $300 Billion

Washington -- A study by economists at NERA Economic Consulting estimates that U.S. House and Senate legislative proposals subjecting online platforms and marketplaces to common carrier, structural se...