Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Telecom

CCIA Praises Congressman Coffman for Introducing Net Neutrality Bill and Supporting CRA

Washington, D.C. -- This morning, Congressman Mike Coffman (R-CO), announced that he will introduce a comprehensive piece of legislation to restore net neutrality.  Coffman also announced his support...

EU and Japan adopt data flow deal, will they now fight against forced data localisation globally?

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Union and Japan today recognised each others' data protection systems to allow the free flow of data between their economies. The agreement is linked to the major tr...
  • Telecom

CCIA Praises FCC Announcement On Sinclair Merger

Washington -- After months of changing the rules to potentially make the proposed Sinclair takeover of additional stations legal, the FCC announced today it was referring the merger to an administrati...
  • Cybersecurity

European Parliament Vote Calls For Better Handling Of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

Brussels -- Today, the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) adopted its report on the proposed EU Cybersecurity Act. The report includes provisions to  improve how E...

MEPs Call For Changes To Privacy Shield, Threaten Suspension

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Parliament today passed a non-binding resolution calling for the suspension of the EU-US Privacy Shield framework by September 1, unless several improvements are made...
  • Copyright

European Parliament Rejects Copyright Mandate

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Members of the European Parliament today voted to reject the introduction of a press publishers’ right in Europe (the so-called “link tax”) and of content filtering mech...
  • EU

CCIA Welcomes Austrian EU Council Presidency

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.  Austria will steer negotiations from July 1 to Dece...
  • Copyright

CCIA Welcomes Music Modernization Act Markup In Senate

Washington -- The Senate Judiciary Committee plans to mark up the Music Modernization Act Thursday. The bill would update the licensing of music rights for the digital age. Senators are also consideri...
  • Telecom

CCIA Encourages House E&C To Reauthorize NTIA, Promote Spectrum, Competition

Washington -- The House Energy & Commerce Committee is meeting today (Tuesday) to consider the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Reauthorization Act. The following ...
  • Telecom

CCIA Encourages House E&C To Reauthorize NTIA, Promote Spectrum, Competition

Washington -- The House Energy & Commerce Committee is meeting today (Tuesday) to consider the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Reauthorization Act. The following...
  • EU

CCIA Members Support Customer Safety Across Europe

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The world’s leading e-commerce companies today signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Online Product Safety in a process facilitated by Vĕra Jourová, the European Commissione...
  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Co-signs Industry Statement On European Digital Taxation Proposals

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Ahead of the European leaders meeting later this week, CCIA signed on to a joint industry statement on the European Commission's digital taxation proposals. The statement discoura...