Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Welcomes U.S.-Japan Trade Understanding, Encourages Further Work on Digital Priorities

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the agreement on digital trade announced today between Presidents Abe and Trump as an important first step in strengthenin...
  • EU
  • Internet Freedom

EU Top Court: Europe’s “Right to be Forgotten” Does Not Apply Globally

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today, the EU Court of Justice ruled that removed or delisted web links (or URLs) from search engines should not apply worldwide. Europe’s highest court was asked to provide dir...
  • EU
  • Privacy & Security

EU, US Officials To Meet For Annual Data Privacy Review

Washington -- The third annual review of the agreement used to transfer data between the US and EU begins this week. European Commission, Data Protection Authorities, and their US counterparts, will r...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

CCIA Patent Counsel Josh Landau Testifies Before Senate Subcommittee

Washington -- CCIA Patent Counsel Josh Landau will testify  before the Senate Judiciary’s IP subcommittee today on pending patent legislation. Landau will caution senators that provisions in the ST...
  • EU

CCIA Welcomes Nominated European Commissioners

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission President-elect, Ursula von der Leyen, announced the portfolio assignments of the designated European Commissioners today.  Margrethe Vestager (Denmark) ...
  • EU
  • Patent Reform & Copyright
  • Copyright

Victoria de Posson joins CCIA In Brussels

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Victoria de Posson has joined the Computer & Communications Industry Association’s Brussels team and will advocate on tech policy issues including Artificial Intelligence, c...
  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade
  • US

G7 Leaders Commit to Global Tax Reform, Presidents Trump and Macron Discuss French Digital Tax

Washington -- At the conclusion of the G7 Leaders Summit taking place over this weekend in Biarritz, France, the G7 leaders committed to reaching an agreement in 2020 to “modernize international tax...

Tech Industry Offers Recommendations Ahead of G7 Summit

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined 14 other industry associations in releasing recommendations ahead of the G7 Leaders Summit taking place this weekend in Biar...
  • Privacy & Security

‘Off-Facebook Activity’ Feature Offers Consumers New Transparency and Control

Washington -- Today Facebook announced the release of its long-anticipated ‘Clear History’ tool named “off-Facebook Activity”. This feature allows users to access browsing data recorded by thi...
  • Internet Freedom
  • Jobs & Innovation

CCIA Applauds Business Roundtable Letter Redefining Corporate Responsibility

Washington -- The Business Roundtable has announced its commitment via a letter signed by 181 corporate CEOs to operate their business to benefit all stakeholders including not just shareholders, but ...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright
  • Copyright

CCIA Files Comments To Justice Department On Music Consent Decrees

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association told the Department of Justice the governing system that the music marketplace relies on to obtain public performance rights is sti...
  • Internet Freedom

Administration Should Not Embrace Censorship Nor Hamstring Efforts To Fight Online Extremism, Says CCIA

Washington, DC --  Following recent tragedies in Texas and Ohio, the White House has publicized a meeting with technology companies to discuss responses to violent online extremism.  At the same tim...