Computer & Communication Industry Association


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House Subcommittee Digs Into “Dig Once” Bill and Other Legislation to Speed Broadband Deployment

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House Subcommittee Digs Into "Dig Once" Bill and Other Legislation to Speed Broadband Deployment

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Debunking Myths about Title II’s Effect on Internet Investment

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Debunking Myths about Title II's Effect on Internet Investment

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House, Senate Hold Simultaneous Broadband, Spectrum Hearings

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Consumer Groups, Tech Companies, CCIA Launch “Competify” Campaign

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EU Policymakers Agree On Net Neutrality Compromise

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Save Wireless Choice in the Upcoming 600 MHz Incentive Auction

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  • Telecom Coalition Launched

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CCIA, Stakeholders Praise European Parliament’s Resolution Supporting the Internet Governance Forum and Online Freedoms

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Wheeler Intends To Protect Open Internet Access Using Title II

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Engineers Go To Work on New TV Navigation Devices