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“Internet Kill Switch” Bill Conflicts With Broader US Internet Agenda

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) says she plans to re-introduce legislation that would grant the President broad authority over swaths of Internet infrastructure to confront a “cyber emergency.” The r...

One Week Before Crucial European Parliament Vote, Internet, Broadcasting Sectors Ally To Call for Robust Open Internet Rules in Europe

Brussels - Today MEPs Sabine Verheyen, Amelia Andersdotter and Marietje Schaake hosted an event in the European Parliament entitled “The Open Internet, Innovation and Economic Growth - The Role of ...

Transatlantic industry groups urge swift agreement on EU-US commercial data flows

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Ahead of the first anniversary of the invalidation of the Privacy Shield on Friday, more than 20 EU and U.S. associations today sent a letter urging EU Commissioner Reynders and U...
  • Competition

CCIA Cautions Risk of Unintended Consequences from European Parliament Amendments to the Digital Markets Act

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection voted on its amendments to the Digital Markets Act (DMA) proposal. The Computer & Co...
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Internet governance: Are we discussing the right things?

We need to distinguish between technical and regulatory debates in Internet governance discussions. Failure to do so will make it harder to find solutions to either. Istanbul provides the exotic back...
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Crowdsourcing for Internet Governance Should not be Dominated by Governments

The International Telecom Union (ITU), founded in the 19th century, last updated its regulations or ITRs in 1988 and clearly has a lot of catching up to do.  It has traditionally focused on standard...
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  • Internet Freedom
  • US

Internet Freedom Begins at Home

In the wake of the government ordered shutdown of Internet access in Egypt recently, Washington policymakers are debating various scenarios involving “regulation of the Internet.” The consensus ...

FCC Votes To Approve Long-Awaited Open Internet Rules

Washington - Standing up to heavy lobbying by large Internet access providers, the FCC voted today to protect Internet access for households and small businesses. The FCC was created by Congress as an...
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Location Privacy Ups and Downs

Last week a federal appeals court ruled on a subject dodged by the Supreme Court last year in US v. Jones: Whether the government can use your phone as a tracking device without getting a warrant firs...
  • Cybersecurity

Controversial Internet Censorship Bill Introduced In House

Several House members have introduced a controversial bill that could interrupt access to legal websites and compromise the stability and security of the Internet itself. This bill would allow the ...
  • Telecom

Debunking Myths about Title II’s Effect on Internet Investment

Opponents of the FCC’s Open Internet rules have frequently stated that the rules will stifle ISP investment and innovation, yielding “unintended negative consequences for consumers and various par...
  • Internet Governance

Commission Policy on Internet Governance Guarantees Support for Free Global Internet, But Leaves Many Questions Unanswered

Brussels - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) welcomes the Communication by the European Commission on Internet Governance Wednesday. An open Internet, and an open and trans...