Computer & Communication Industry Association

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CCIA Letter to California Law Revision Commission Re: Single Firm Conduct Report

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CCIA to Testify on 3 California Tech Bills

Sacramento, Calif. – As California legislators consider several tech-focused bills, including proposals regulating artificial intelligence and reporting mechanisms for cyberbullying, the Computer &a...


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EU Copyright Directive: A Missed Opportunity for Europe

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today, EU Ministers endorsed the Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market, as adopted by the European Parliament on 26 March 2019. The Computer & Communications...
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CCIA Comments to California Privacy Protection Agency on Draft Regulations

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CCIA Comments on California AB 787

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Internet of Everything Rocks, but Internet For Everybody Should Not Be Lost in the Frenzy

Alexis Ohanian, a co-founder of reddit, was in Washington earlier this month promoting his book about the economic importance of open Internet access for everybody on the planet.   Google is investi...
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Internet Governance Not for Governments

Recent events in Egypt and the role of the Internet make the future of governing it in terms of technical management and coordination more critical than ever. First some history… The Internet ...

European Parliament Resolution Raises Doubt about EU-UK Data Flows

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) today reportedly opined that the United Kingdom does not provide adequate privacy protection...
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A Summary of NETmundial Submissions in Numbers

Geneva -- In advance of the anticipated NETmundial conference on the future of Internet Governance, which will be organised by the Brazilian Government, stakeholders were encouraged to submit “Inter...
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California’s Age-Appropriate Design Code Act Summary

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What They Are Saying: California Journalism Preservation Act