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CCIA Welcomes FCC’s National Broadband Plan

The FCC releases its National Broadband Plan Tuesday. The goal, originally outlined during President Obama’s 2008 campaign is ubiquitous affordable, high speed access to an open Internet to boost in...

CCIA Praises European Parliament Action Against ACTA

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement under negotiation encountered some staunch disagreement in Europe. The European Parliament voted 663-13 today on a resolution demanding the European Commission ...

Europe Faces Tough Digital Single Market Choices

Brussels - When the European Commission announces its new Digital Single Market Strategy on 6th May, it faces a decisive choice between a forward-looking enabling strategy for the Internet or an insul...
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Verizon-Cable Spectrum Swap with a Side of Non Compete

The problem with the dream of a free market in telecommunications networks is that barriers to entry are too high.  So high in fact that that the largest cable TV operators who not so long ago were g...
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CCIA Asks House, Senate To Consider Internet Freedom With Russia’s PNTR Status

The House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance held hearings this week on granting Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) to Russia. CCIA sent a letter to both House a...
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CCIA 2011 Highlights

The year was marked with challenges to the open Internet starting with the shutdown of the Internet in Egypt, threats to competition in the mobile market and the introduction of legislation in Congres...
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DC Circuit Appeals Court To Hear Net Neutrality Case Friday

Washington -- For the fourth time in nine years, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals will revisit the issue of net neutrality when it will hear Mozilla’s challenge to the FCC’s order that rescinded no...

EU Countries’ Adopted Position on Copyright Will Hurt Internet Users and Digital Sector

Brussels -- European Member States agreed today on a mandate to negotiate with the European Parliament on the proposed Directive for copyright in the digital single market. The adopted text will cause...

CCIA Sends Letter On Internet Governance

CCIA sent a letter today to members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee as the Subcommittee on Communications as it prepares to markup Internet governance legislation. CCIA is a longtime sup...

CCIA Endorses International Effort Seeking Better Standards Setting

Geneva – A need for better efficiency in global standards has led five global organizations to launch an initiative supporting the modern paradigm for global open standards. With their initiative �...
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International Regulation Unnecessary for Global Internet Deployment

The ITU has not revised its regulations (ITRs) governing things like satellite spectrum slots and telephone network connections since 1988.  No matter, the global Internet is working very well anyway...
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Online Censorship Bill Now On Hold

A bill that would have led to more Internet censorship is on ice -- thanks to a hold placed on it by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA), S.3804, wi...