Computer & Communication Industry Association

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CCIA's Recommendations to Obama's Transition Team

As President-elect Obama takes his oath of office to defend the Constitution, he will have the opportunity to protect the Constitution's most important 1st Amendment, which guards free speech, in new...

CCIA’s Recommendations to Obama’s Transition Team

As President-elect Obama takes his oath of office to defend the Constitution, he will have the opportunity to protect the Constitution's most important 1st Amendment, which guards free speech, in new...
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FCC Chair Mulling Commission's Authority Over Internet Access Providers

Internet users and the tech industry are responding to news reports that the Obama administration may be weakening in its resolve to protect the neutrality of Internet access for households and small ...
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FCC Chair Mulling Commission’s Authority Over Internet Access Providers

Internet users and the tech industry are responding to news reports that the Obama administration may be weakening in its resolve to protect the neutrality of Internet access for households and small ...

CCIA Comments On “OECD Internet Economy Outlook 2012” Report

An OECD report released in Budapest today attributes an expansion of broadband connectivity to helping the ICT sector become a bright spot in the economy during the downturn -- with ICT sector reven...

CCIA Continues to Support Multistakeholder Internet Governance

The House Energy and Commerce Committee is scheduled to mark up its Internet governance bill Wednesday.  The new version of the legislation restates U.S. policy and says the United States is committ...
  • Blog
  • EU

After WCIT, A Look Ahead To the Next Internet Governance Debate

Less than two months have passed since the World Conference on International Telecommunication (WCIT) in Dubai came to a halt over a controversial vote that would have extended a UN treaty largely cen...

CCIA Welcomes Countries’ Commitment to Achieve Global Tax Reform in 2020, Warns against Unilateral Taxes

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the OECD Secretariat published the Statement by the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. In the documen...

CCIA Asks Senate Judiciary To Extend And Strengthen USA FREEDOM Act Protections

Washington -- The Senate Judiciary Committee holds its first hearing Wednesday on reauthorizing the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015. The Computer & Communications Industry Association is calling on senato...
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CCIA Welcomes New Hires In Brussels and DC Offices

Washington/Brussels, BELGIUM  -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association is announcing new hires for both its DC and Brussels offices. Kayvan Hazemi-Jebelli (Kay) joins the Brussels te...
  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Industry Welcomes Bipartisan Warning to Lighthizer, Administration on French Digital Services Tax

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association commends Representatives Suzan DelBene and Darin LaHood, co-chairs of the Congressional Digital Trade Caucus, for calling upon the ...

CCIA’s Statement on Global Internet Freedom

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is a longtime advocate of policies that provide open markets, open systems and open networks and is concerned when governments limit access to me...