Computer & Communication Industry Association

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CCIA’s Statement Ahead of Senate Vote on Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association issued this statement ahead of an anticipated U.S. Senate vote on the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (KOSPA) this week. KOS...
  • Press Releases
  • Emerging Technology

Online Payments: EU Parliament Committee Sides with Big Banks That Want to Escape Responsibility

Brussels, BELGIUM – Today, the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) adopted its position on the Payment Services Regulation (PSR), which introduces new rules for pr...
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CCIA Statement Responding to Florida Passing Online Age Verification Bill

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association issued the following statement in response to Florida’s House passing its social media ban for users under 16 and age verificati...
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Plan to Expand Tax Collection for Online Businesses Discussed in Senate Finance Hearing

The Senate Finance Committee held an April 25th hearing on “Tax Reform: What It Means for State and Local Tax and Fiscal Policy.”  Within the broader theme of the hearing, there was a lively ex...
  • Press Releases
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CCIA Provides Input to Pennsylvania Lawmakers on Adding Child Online Measure To A Bill

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association sent a letter to Pennsylvania state legislators ahead of a potential vote on a bill aimed at improving teens’ mental health but ...
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Online Taxes On House Agenda

Online taxes has become a focus on Capitol Hill with various competing bills and last week the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on “Constitutional Limitations on States’ Authority to Colle...
  • Statements
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CCIA Responds to Canadian Parliament Passing The Online News Act, Bill C-18

Washington— The Canadian Parliament passed legislation that would require internet services to pay fees when linking to news content. The Online News Act, C-18, has now received Royal Assent and ent...
  • Press Releases
  • Content Moderation

CCIA Supports Indiana’s Proposed Online Literacy Legislation

Washington – Indiana is joining a growing number of states who are considering proposals that would establish a digital literacy school curriculum to help children learn how to more safely and respo...
  • Internet Governance

European Media Freedom Act: Fight Against Disinformation and Illegal Content Requires Balanced Relationship Between Media and Online Platforms

Brussels, BELGIUM — The European Media Freedom Act presented by the European Commission earlier today seeks to introduce new rules to safeguard the independence and pluralism of Europe’s media. Th...
  • Competition

Economic Study Estimates Cost of Online Platform and Marketplace Regulation at $300 Billion

Washington -- A study by economists at NERA Economic Consulting estimates that U.S. House and Senate legislative proposals subjecting online platforms and marketplaces to common carrier, structural se...

Advocate General at the EU Court of Justice Issues Opinion In Coty Germany Case on Online Marketplace Bans

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Advocate General Nils Wahl delivered his opinion in the Coty Germany case (Case C-230/16). The case deals with contractual provisions a producer of luxury cosmetics imposed on his...

EU Terrorist Content Proposal, Good Intentions But Risks To Online Rights And Europe’s Tech Sector

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the European Commission presented its proposal for a regulation on ‘preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online.’ This proposal puts a range of new obligati...