Computer & Communication Industry Association


Court of Justice of the EU Delivers Judgment In Coty Germany Case on Online Marketplace Bans

Brussels, BELGIUM --  The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) delivered its judgment in the Coty Germany case (Case C-230/16). The case deals with contractual provisions a producer of luxury cosmetics ...

CCIA, Over 80 Organizations Warn of Irreparable Damage to be Caused by Copyright Directive

Brussels -- Over 80 organisations, including the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA), warn EU Countries in a short statement that current negotiations on the proposal for a Directi...

EU Commission Publishes Communication on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

Brussels -- The European Commission has published a Communication today, providing guidance on the enforcement of intellectual property rights online and offline across the European Union. With this...
  • Competition

Does Competition Law Need an Update for Online Markets? Hot Topics, Trends and Perspectives in Competition Policy

On November 30, CCIA, the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) will host a joint conference discussing some of today’s most frequently a...
  • Telecom

CCIA Announces New Hires In Washington and Brussels Offices

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association is announcing new hires  in both its DC and Brussels Offices. Alexandre Roure starts Monday, November 27th in CCIA’s Brussels of...

CCIA Welcomes the Civil Liberties Committee’s Opinion on the Copyright Directive

Brussels, BELGIUM -- In September 2016, the European Commission published its proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (the “Copyright Proposal”). This proposal implement...

EU Ministers Recognise Importance of Encryption to Ensure Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The General Affairs Council today adopted Conclusions calling for the strengthening of European cybersecurity across the EU.  Importantly, the Conclusions confirm “that strong ...

CCIA Tech Industry Delegation Meets Incoming Bulgarian EU Presidency

Sofia, Bulgaria -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association is leading a delegation of tech companies to meet with Bulgarian Ministers, regulators, and startups this week ahead of the up...

EC Releases Report On Privacy Shield Framework

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Following the first annual review of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield in Washington last month, the European Commission released its report today. The report examined the implementation...

Publication of a CCIA Research Paper on Value Growth and the Music Industry

Brussels, BELGIUM -- At a high-level working lunch on “Value Creation, Streaming Video and the Music Industry” organised today by the Lisbon Council, Senior public policy manager for CCIA Europe M...

EU to Support Both Encryption And Decryption In New “Anti-Terrorism Package”

Brussels, BELGIUM --  The European Commission (EC) issued its “anti-terrorism package” today, which includes several EU actions to face “challenges posed by the use of encryption.”  Proposed...

EU Commission Releases Communication on “Tackling Illegal Content Online”

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission published a Communication on “Tackling Illegal Content Online - Towards an enhanced responsibility of online platforms” today. Its aim is to publish gu...