Computer & Communication Industry Association


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  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Welcomes USTR Conclusion that French Digital Tax Discriminates Against U.S. Tech

Washington -- The United States Trade Representative announced the findings of the first stage of its investigation into France’s Digital Services Tax under Section 301 of the Trade Act. The report ...

USTR Announces Plans To Issue Report On French Digital Tax Next Week

Washington -- The United States Trade Representative issued an update Wednesday on its Section 301 investigation into the French digital tax, saying the report would be issued Monday. This follows a r...

CCIA Welcomes the European Parliament’s Confirmation Vote on New European Commission

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the European Parliament formally approved the new European Commissioners. The new Commission, led by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, will take office on December ...
  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Calls for Ambitious Global Tax Reform in Comments to OECD Proposal

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association today filed comments with the OECD on their proposal for a “Unified Approach” under Pillar One regarding international t...
  • EU
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CCIA Welcomes New Hires In Brussels and DC Offices

Washington/Brussels, BELGIUM  -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association is announcing new hires for both its DC and Brussels offices. Kayvan Hazemi-Jebelli (Kay) joins the Brussels te...

CCIA Delegation Visits Croatia, Publishes Recommendations To New EU leadership

Brussels, BELGIUM -- As a new European Union leadership takes office, the Computer & Communications Industry Association offers recommendations on how technology can help solve Europe’s societal...
  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade

OECD Draft Proposal is a Major Step Towards Global Tax Reform

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) today published its proposal for a key part of its global tax reform pertaining to the digitalisation of the econo...
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CCIA joins industry call for a rethink on the ePrivacy Regulation

Brussels, BELGIUM — CCIA and like-minded industry associations from all sectors called on EU Member States to rethink the proposed ePrivacy Regulation. Without a major overhaul of the text, Europe�...
  • EU
  • Internet Freedom

EU Court Ruling On Worldwide Take Down of Defamatory Content Raises Freedom of Speech Concerns

Brussels, BELGIUM — The EU Court of Justice today ruled that host providers can be asked to take down defamatory content, that is “identical” or “equivalent” to content previously ruled ille...
  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade

U.S., UK Tech and Business Groups Call on Leaders To Advance Digital Trade

Washington -- Today, a coalition of tech groups and experts from business, government, and academia in the United States and United Kingdom called on government leaders to advance a high-standard mode...
  • EU
  • Internet Freedom

EU Top Court: Europe’s “Right to be Forgotten” Does Not Apply Globally

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today, the EU Court of Justice ruled that removed or delisted web links (or URLs) from search engines should not apply worldwide. Europe’s highest court was asked to provide dir...
  • EU
  • Privacy & Security

EU, US Officials To Meet For Annual Data Privacy Review

Washington -- The third annual review of the agreement used to transfer data between the US and EU begins this week. European Commission, Data Protection Authorities, and their US counterparts, will r...