Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Details Scope of Country-by-Country Trade Barriers For USTR

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association offered USTR examples of digital trade barriers as part of trade officials’ annual request for comments. USTR will issue its Nati...

CCIA Welcomes EU-US Privacy Shield Review

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the second joint EU-U.S. Privacy Shield review which took place on Thursday and Friday this week. The Privacy Shi...
  • EU
  • Competition

Google Introduces Changes to Android to Comply with Commission Competition Decision

Brussels, BELGIUM -- While Google is appealing the European Commission’s Android decision, it announced changes to contractual terms today to comply with the decision. The changes will specifically ...
  • Competition

FTC To Examine Tech Business Models, Acquisitions and Labor At October Hearings

Washington -- The Federal Trade Commission is holding a third round of hearings October 15-17 at George Mason University. Witnesses will weigh in on how existing regulations apply to multi-sided busin...

Senate Confirms Privacy Oversight Board Members

Washington -- The Senate has confirmed several appointees to the U.S. Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. The voice vote gave approval for Adam Klein as member and chairman along with Jane Ni...

CCIA Tech Industry Delegation Meets Incoming Romania EU Presidency

Bucharest, Romania - The Computer & Communications Industry Association is leading a delegation of tech companies to meet Romanian Ministers in Bucharest this Tuesday and Wednesday ahead of the up...
  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Welcomes Provisions In Canada, Mexico Trade Agreement To Reduce Digital Trade Barriers

Washington --  The Computer & Communications Industry Association applauds the inclusion of provisions to reduce digital trade barriers in yesterday’s agreement between the U.S., Canada, and Me...
  • Copyright

CCIA Testifies Before House Judiciary On Copyright Small Claims Enforcement Act

Washington -- The House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing this afternoon on its proposed copyright small claims bill ahead of an expected vote. Matt Schruers, Vice President of Law and Policy f...
  • Telecom

FCC Votes to Lower Costs and Speed Up Small Cell Deployments

Washington -- Today, the Federal Communications Commission voted to reduce costs and speed up the deployment of small cells. Next generation “5G” technologies will require greater densification of...
  • Copyright

Music Modernization Act Unanimously Passes House, Senate

Washington -- Congress has passed legislation that updates music licensing rights for the digital age. The House and Senate have now passed the Music Modernization Act. The Computer & Communicati...

CCIA Welcomes Parallel NTIA and NIST Privacy Initiatives

Washington -- The Commerce Department is asking stakeholders for input on privacy. NTIA published a request for comments in the Federal Register today on “ways to advance consumer privacy while prot...
  • Competition

FTC To Hear From Antitrust Law Experts Friday

Washington -- The Federal Trade Commission plans to hold its second hearing Friday on the state of current antitrust law as part of a series of hearings “Competition and Consumer Protection in the 2...