Computer & Communication Industry Association


G-20 Summit Offers Opportunities To De-Escalate Tensions

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association calls on U.S. officials to use the upcoming Group of 20 Summit to improve relations and reduce tensions with trade partners. Leader...

EU Member States Reach Political Agreement on the ‘Platform-to-Business’ Regulation

Brussels, BELGIUM --  Today EU Member States reached a political agreement on the Council’s position on the ‘platform-to-business’ (P2B) Regulation. The adoption of the so-called ‘general app...
  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Recommendations on Negotiating Priorities for U.S-Japan Trade

Washington -- As the U.S. considers its negotiating objectives for a potential U.S.-Japan free trade agreement, the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments today with USTR ou...
  • Copyright

CCIA Submits Comments On Copyright Directive To EU Institutions

Brussels, BELGIUM -- CCIA and trade associations from across the EU submitted comments on the copyright Directive proposal to EU institutions, to highlight some key nuances, which we believe should ...
  • Telecom

CCIA Responds To FCC Arguments on Abdicating its Duty to Protect Net Neutrality

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association, along with the Entertainment Software Association, Internet Association, and the Writers Guild of America, West, asked the D.C. Ci...
  • Telecom

CCIA Supports Lee and Markey Bipartisan Bill to Evaluate Government-Held Spectrum

Washington --- Senators Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Ed Markey (D-Mass.) have introduced bipartisan legislation to better account for the resource fueling internet access -- broadband spectrum. The bill requ...

Tech Industry Letter to USTR Regarding De Minimis in USMCA

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined 14 other associations in a letter to United States Trade Representative Lighthizer Tuesday requesting that a footnote be rem...

CCIA Submits Privacy Principles, Comments to NTIA

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association presented the Commerce Department a set of strong “Privacy Principles” today to help guide the development of a national polic...

CCIA Calls For An EU-U.S. CLOUD Act Framework Agreement

Brussels -- On November 8-9, an EU-U.S. Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial meeting will address, among other issues, cross-border law enforcement access to digital evidence for the purpose of crimin...
  • Competition

FTC Competition Hearings Will Focus On Privacy, Big Data Tuesday; FTC Yet to Hold Hearings on Broadband Competition and Net Neutrality

Washington -- This month, the FTC resumes another round of hearings. The hearing Tuesday will focus on privacy and big data  and then algorithms and AI will be discussed the following week. The Compu...
  • EU
  • Telecom

CCIA Welcomes Election of First Woman To Serve As One of ITU’s Top Elected Officials

Washington -- Doreen Bogdan-Martin has just been elected Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau of International Telecommunications Union. She will become the first woman to serve as one...
  • Competition

CCIA Files Response To Israel Antitrust Authority’s Request For Comments On Digital Economy

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association offered comments to Israeli antitrust officials today. The Israeli Antitrust Authority had requested comments about competition iss...