Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA’s NIST and PTO Recommendations

CCIA released more detailed separate recommendations for the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. In both reports CCIA points out that the America C...

CCIA's NIST and PTO Recommendations

CCIA released more detailed separate recommendations for the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. In both reports CCIA points out that the America C...

CCIA’s Recommendations to Obama’s Transition Team

As President-elect Obama takes his oath of office to defend the Constitution, he will have the opportunity to protect the Constitution's most important 1st Amendment, which guards free speech, in new...

CCIA's Recommendations to Obama's Transition Team

As President-elect Obama takes his oath of office to defend the Constitution, he will have the opportunity to protect the Constitution's most important 1st Amendment, which guards free speech, in new...

Reps. Markey, Boucher Trading Gavels

Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., and Rep. Rick Boucher, D-Va., have announced they are switching gavels on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Rep. Markey will leave as chairman of the Telecommunications...

A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is issuing the following statement in response to an article in Monday's paper, 'Google Wants Its Own Fast Track on the Web,' which contained sev...

CCIA Response to Intel Lawsuit Against Korean Fair Trade Commission

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is offering the following statement in response to several news reports that Intel is now suing the Korean Fair Trade Commission. The KFTC found ...

Intel Attack On EC Ahead of Findings

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is offering the following statement in response to new details released by the Financial Times and other news outlets on the latest details of th...

CCIA Op Ed On IP/Trade Published Today

By Ed Black Special to the Mercury News Posted: 12/08/2008 05:39:33 PM PST As the Obama administration seeks to boost the innovation economy and repair strained relations around the world, it nee...

CCIA Reaction To Another Privacy Organization

Washington, D.C. - A new group called Future of Privacy is being created reportedly to help shape the discussion of privacy policy during the Obama administration. Jules Polonetsky, AOL's former chief...

CCIA Pleased With White Spaces Announcement

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is issuing the following statement in response to FCC Chairman Martin's announcement that he wants to allow portable devices to use the white spa...

New Evidence Of Surveillance Abuse

Two military intercept officers who worked at a National Security Agency center in Georgia told ABC News they eavesdropped on the phone conversations of hundreds of U.S. citizens overseas. The officer...