Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Comments Filed To US-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade Call China Censorship A Trade Barrier

The Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted its agenda suggestions for the 2009 U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade meeting this fall. CCIA asked the JCCT to address...

CCIA Denounces China’s Move To Require Censorship Software

China plans to require personal computers sold there after July 1 to include software that blocks access to pornography and other “unhealthy” websites, according to various news reports. The follo...

CCIA Outlines Priorities For National Broadband Plan

The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed its recommendations to the FCC today for developing a national broadband plan. The Administration’s attention to a holistic plan shows it...

Blair Levin Tapped To Develop National Broadband Plan; Richards To Be Acting Managing Director

Acting FCC Chairman Michael Copps has announced Friday afternoon that Blair Levin will return to the FCC to coordinate development of the new national broadband plan starting Monday. The following com...

CCIA Applauds McDowell Re-Nomination as FCC Commissioner

The following statement is in response to President Obama's announcement of his intent to nominate Robert M. McDowell, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission. It is attributed to Ed Black, th...

Supreme Court To Take Up Bilski Patent Case

The Supreme Court has agreed to consider what types of business methods should be patentable as it indicated it would take up the Bilski patent case today. The Computer & Communications Industry A...
  • Cybersecurity

Obama Plans Balanced Cyber Security Measures, Remains Committed To Neutral, Open Internet

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is issuing the following statement in response to President Obama’s statement today on the nation’s cyber security infrastructure. The follow...

Changed Antitrust Rules Could Curb Tech Mergers

A shift in U.S. Department of Justice antitrust policy announced last week could blunt the expansion or merger plans of IT vendors, according to legal experts. In speeches last week before the Cent...

Google’s New Trademark Policy: Pro-Consumer, More Aligned With Industry Standards

Google has announced it would be changing its policy regarding certain uses of trademarks in the text of sponsored search results. The policy change will permit greater use of trademarked terms in adv...

An Open Letter from Our CEO: Three Strikes; Now What?

Today, CCIA ran an open letter in several Washington, DC publications highlighting yesterday’s ruling by the European Commission, which found Intel guilty of abusing its monopoly position. After yea...

Europe Rules on Intel Misconduct; Antitrust Sanctions to Follow

The Intel decision in Europe has many in Washington wondering whether US action may soon follow, especially in light of the major policy speech Monday by Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney, w...

Obama DOJ Withdraws Bush Administration Antitrust Directive

Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney's announced this morning at the Center for American Progress that the Department of Justice is withdrawing a 2008 Bush administration report that made it mo...