Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Releases Study on IRS Tax Collection Proposals

With tax day less than a month away the Computer & Communications Industry Association has released a study it commissioned on the costs and benefits of a proposal to consider converting the curre...

CCIA Welcomes FCC’s National Broadband Plan

The FCC releases its National Broadband Plan Tuesday. The goal, originally outlined during President Obama’s 2008 campaign is ubiquitous affordable, high speed access to an open Internet to boost in...

CCIA Welcomes FCC's National Broadband Plan

The FCC releases its National Broadband Plan Tuesday. The goal, originally outlined during President Obama’s 2008 campaign is ubiquitous affordable, high speed access to an open Internet to boost in...
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When patents protect against patent trolling

We have to give former Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz credit—he’s nothing if not interesting. After all, how many Fortune 500 presidents resign via Twitter haiku? Schwartz now occupies his time blogg...

CCIA Praises European Parliament Action Against ACTA

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement under negotiation encountered some staunch disagreement in Europe. The European Parliament voted 663-13 today on a resolution demanding the European Commission ...
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Patent Round Up

It is unclear how the release of a Senate draft proposing to remove or change some key reforms from the patent reform bill previously reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee will be received in...

Upcoming Event: CCIA Hosts Telecom/Internet 101 Congressional Briefing

Computer & Communications Industry Association Telecom/Internet 101 Congressional Briefing Monday, March 8 Materials: CCIA's Telecommunications and Internet Policy Guide Vint ...

CCIA Files Comments on Privacy Practices in the UK

CCIA has filed comments with the UK Information Commissioner's Office in response to a consultation on Personal Information Online Code of Practice. Read the full comments
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Possible Outcomes of the Google Book Search Litigation

Much ink has been spilled over the future of the Google Book Settlement, but never before has anyone attempted to squeeze it onto one page. This flow chart, by Jon Band for the Library Copyright Alli...
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Intellectual Ventures Quick Hits

Since Steve Lohr’s New York Times critique on Intellectual Ventures, last month the blogosphere has lit up with discussion about back door schemes to file or threaten to file patent lawsuits. Revel...
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Wall Street Journal latest to shine light on IV’s shady dealings

Ever had a leaky ceiling? You can place a bucket under it and delay the inevitable, but ultimately the steady dripping is going to take its toll and that bucket is going to overflow. Eventually, the c...
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In Depth: Recent Reform Damages Proposals Part 2

Yesterday we talked about how the 2007 legislation would have helped deal with growing patent damage awards. We’re focusing on the 2007 legislation now as it had stronger provisions to deal with som...