Computer & Communication Industry Association


Commerce Chairmen Encourage FCC To Protect Open Internet Access

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman and Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Rockefeller have asked FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski to expand and protect universal broadband o...
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On the Copyright for Creativity Declaration

Today, CCIA joins with a broad coalition of groups representing consumers, creators, libraries, civil society, and the technology industry in endorsing the Copyright for Creativity Declaration, a sta...
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Sure pass patent reform — just the House version…

Commerce Sec. Gary Locke wrote an  editorial for Politico yesterday explaining how reforming our outdated patent system would spur innovation and boost the economy. His sentiment that the U.S. nee...

Summary: CCIA’s 37th Annual Washington Caucus

2010 Washington Caucus and Freedom to Innovate Reception May 12 - 13, 2010 Read CCIA's Caucus Report Read the full event transcript Speakers included: Obama Administration: Ambassador...

Summary: CCIA's 37th Annual Washington Caucus

2010 Washington Caucus and Freedom to Innovate Reception May 12 - 13, 2010 Read CCIA's Caucus Report Read the full event transcript Speakers included: Obama Administration: Ambassador Miriam Sapiro...
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FCC Chair Mulling Commission’s Authority Over Internet Access Providers

Internet users and the tech industry are responding to news reports that the Obama administration may be weakening in its resolve to protect the neutrality of Internet access for households and small ...
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FCC Chair Mulling Commission's Authority Over Internet Access Providers

Internet users and the tech industry are responding to news reports that the Obama administration may be weakening in its resolve to protect the neutrality of Internet access for households and small ...

CCIA Releases Economic Study Calculating Value of “Fair Use”

Industries that rely on fair use exceptions to copyright law grew faster than the rest of the U.S. economy from 2002 to 2007, expanded 5 percent and accounted for 23 percent of real economic growth, a...

CCIA To Release Economic Study Calculating Value of “Fair Use”

Industries that rely on fair use exceptions to copyright law grew faster than the rest of the U.S. economy according to a new study to be released on Capitol Hill Tuesday. The 2010 economic study �...

Upcoming Event: Fair Use in the U.S. Economy

“Fair Use in the U.S. Economy” For the latest data on the economic value of balanced copyright Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Washington, DC Event Materials Now Available Featuring remarks fro...

CCIA Files Comments at the FCC on Preserving the Open Internet Post Comcast

The Computer & Communications Industry filed comments today in the second round of responses to the FCC’s rulemaking to preserve access to an open Internet. Protecting access to the public Inter...

Details of Secret IP Agreement Confirm Tech Industry Fears

The just-released details of the once secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement confirm fears that the agreement will unreasonably increase the legal exposure of U.S. technology and Internet business...