Computer & Communication Industry Association


House Holds Hearing On Online Sales Tax Legislation

The Computer & Communications Industry Association continues to oppose H.R. 3179, the Marketplace Equity Act, on which the House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing July 24.  The bill w...
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Digital Goods Provisions Added To Russia PNTR Bill

CCIA was pleased to learn senators added provisions to better protect digital goods ahead of the U.S. Senate Finance committee markup a bill today to permanently normalize trade relations (“PNTR�...
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CCIA Files Letters With FCC, DOJ On Verizon Cable Deal

Yesterday CCIA filed a letter requesting the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Justice “fully consider the potential effects of the extensive Commercial Agreements that accom...

CCIA Praises House Hearing Focusing On Patent Troll Abuse

The House Judiciary’s Intellectual Property subcommittee had a hearing today on abusive patent litigation. All but one witness called for changes to the trade act of 1930.  Patent trolls are now us...
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Russia’s Vote To Increase Internet Censorship Should Impact PNTR Debate

CCIA has grave concerns about legislation passed yesterday by the Russian Parliament that would establish a blacklist of websites that government could shut down, and hopes U.S. trade officials weigh ...

CCIA Says Russia’s Vote To Increase Internet Censorship Should Impact PNTR Debate

A day after the Russian Parliament voted to establish a blacklist of websites that its government could shut down, the Computer & Communications Industry Association said this step raises a red fl...

Canadian Supreme Court Rules In Favor of Apple, Others Including CCIA

Ottawa - The Canadian Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal from the Society of Composers, Publishers and Music Authors. This means online music stores and others targeted in the lawsuit will not have...
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Verizon-Cable Spectrum Swap with a Side of Non Compete

The problem with the dream of a free market in telecommunications networks is that barriers to entry are too high.  So high in fact that that the largest cable TV operators who not so long ago were g...

CCIA Opposes Online Sales Tax Collection Amendment

Sen. Enzi, R-Wyo., Sen. Durbin, D-Ill., and Sen. Alexander, R-Tenn., offered their Marketplace Fairness Act yesterday as an amendment to the Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Act.  The Computer &...
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European Parliament Rejects ACTA in Plenary Session

Last week the European Parliament (EP) rejected ACTA in its plenary session in Strasbourg. What might seemed very unlikely only a few months ago, in the final vote a total of 478 MEPs were against t...
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Government Demands For User Information From Mobile Carriers Growing

The New York Times ran an article detailing the large numbers of information requests that wireless phone carriers in the United States get from the various law enforcement bodies seeking our privat...
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The U.S. is Proposing a Limitations and Exceptions Provision to the TPP

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is currently in the 13th round of negotiations.  The text has yet to be released publicly, although there have been some leaks.  However, an important piece of...