Computer & Communication Industry Association


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  • Taxes & Trade

Digital Trade Issues Feature Prominently in U.S. Trade Agenda

In a watershed rhetorical moment this week, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman not only acknowledged the importance of several digital trade issues but he highlighted them as key elements of the...

White House Offers More Patent Abuse Fixes, Renews Call for Legislation

Washington –  Today, the White House is announcing additional executive actions aimed at strengthening patent quality and curbing the damage to the U.S. economy from patent trolls. The new execut...

Encouraging Announcement on Competition in Broadband Access

Washington - The announcement by Google today that it will significantly expand its gigabit fiber networks is timely and hopefully will be a practical example of the benefits of competition in this ar...

CCIA Praises FCC Open Internet Announcement

Washington - The FCC has wasted no time in launching a proceeding to determine a new way forward on protecting access to an open Internet. The Computer & Communications Industry Association app...

One Week Before Crucial European Parliament Vote, Internet, Broadcasting Sectors Ally To Call for Robust Open Internet Rules in Europe

Brussels - Today MEPs Sabine Verheyen, Amelia Andersdotter and Marietje Schaake hosted an event in the European Parliament entitled “The Open Internet, Innovation and Economic Growth - The Role of ...

Hyperlinking Remains Legal in the EU – A Win for Internet Users and the Digital Economy

Brussels/Luxembourg -- Today the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) handed down the long-awaited judgment in the Svensson case (Case C-466/12). The court was asked whether the provision of a hyperlink ...
  • Internet Governance

Commission Policy on Internet Governance Guarantees Support for Free Global Internet, But Leaves Many Questions Unanswered

Brussels - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) welcomes the Communication by the European Commission on Internet Governance Wednesday. An open Internet, and an open and trans...
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  • Internet Freedom

CCIA Sends Congress Letter Offering Economic Arguments For Surveillance Reform

Many websites marked today, Feb. 11 with a banner protesting runaway surveillance and asking Congress to enact the USA Freedom Act to curtail it. CCIA, which has testified against overly broad surveil...
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  • Patent Reform & Copyright

Breadth of EU Copyright Review Evident in 11th Hour Extension

On the eve of the initial deadline for a sweeping and heavily debated copyright consultation, the European Commissioner responsible for internal market affairs, Michel Barnier, announced a 30-day ext...
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  • EU

Global IP Agency In Search of a New Leader

The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is the main international body for the conclusion of international Intellectual property treaties; it also runs a set of widely-used international I...

CCIA Applauds Legislative Initiative on Open Internet Access

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) welcomes the introduction of the Open Internet Preservation Act of 2014 in both the Senate and the House.  The legislation...
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  • Telecom

Comm Laws Must Promote Competitive Choice for Mobile Internet Connections, Landline Broadband Access

Companies that have successfully challenged legacy monopoly landline and duopoly wireless telecom incumbents for a modest share of American customers seem to find much to like about the 1996 Telecom A...