Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedFebruary 19, 2014

CCIA Praises FCC Open Internet Announcement

Washington – The FCC has wasted no time in launching a proceeding to determine a new way forward on protecting access to an open Internet.

The Computer & Communications Industry Association appreciates this reaffirmation of the FCC’s commitment to greater broadband access and opportunity. The following can be attributed to CCIA President & CEO Ed Black:

“The FCC recognizes that both preserving open Internet access and enhancing competition are essential to ensuring the availability of high speed, affordable access to everything on the Internet for U.S. homes and businesses. We welcome their announcement today and urge them to follow through aggressively and expeditiously.

“American Internet access customers should be pleased that the FCC is clearly determined to preserve their rights to open access connections that are free of blocking and anticompetitive commercial discrimination.  Edge service and content providers should welcome the FCC’s new commitment to strengthening disclosure rules governing network management practices.  It’s important as well that the FCC acknowledges its direct Title II authority over telecommunications services as a backstop option for protecting the public interest in universal, reliable open Internet access.

“The FCC needs to be a leader in this area, and we continue to be encouraged by Chairman Wheeler’s positions, but conclusive actions are needed.”