Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Competition

CCIA Applauds Obama Administration For Set Top Box Filing

Washington -- President Obama will weigh in on a policy to free TV customers from having to rent their cable providers’ set top boxes. He announced his support for thinking outside the cable box in ...

CCIA, SAPIE Present EU Presidency Recommendations To Slovak Leaders

Bratislava, Slovakia -- Ahead of the Slovak Republic’s EU Presidency, SAPIE and CCIA met with political leaders and presented recommendations. CCIA Europe and SAPIE met with Slovak President Andrej...

CCIA Applauds House Judiciary Committee Approval of Email Privacy Act

Washington - The House Judiciary Committee has voted to favorably report long-awaited reforms to give improved privacy protections to individuals’ electronic communications. The Email Privacy Act (H...
  • EU
  • Privacy & Security

Data Protection Authorities’ Opinion Paves Way For Adoption Of EU-US Privacy Shield

Brussels -- European Data Protection Authorities today issued a non-binding opinion on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, the new framework for transatlantic commercial data transfers. The Chair of the Arti...
  • Privacy & Security

Draft Feinstein-Burr Anti-Encryption Bill Would Seriously Harm Security, Speech, and Innovation Online

Washington -- A discussion draft of Senators Feinstein and Burr’s long-awaited encryption access bill was released late Thursday night. The “Compliance with Court Orders Act of 2016” purports to...

FCC Chairman Moves to End a Decade of Delay on Special Access

Washington, D.C. -- FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a proposal today to update rules on the high-speed broadband connections that companies use to transmit data on everything from credit card sales...

CCIA Files DMCA Safe Harbor Comments

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments for the Copyright Office today on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s safe harbors. The safe harbors protect we...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

CCIA Welcomes EC Ancillary Copyright Consultation For All Stakeholders

Brussels - The European Commission has asked for public input on several copyright issues from whether people can take pictures of monuments and where they can share those photos to the role of publis...

Supreme Court To Hear Apple Samsung Design Patent Case

Washington -- The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that will examine a lower court’s flawed ruling in a design patent law case. The controversial decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the...

Senators Introduce Bill To Curb Venue Abuse In Patent Cases

Washington -- Senators Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., Cory Gardner, R-Colo., and Mike Lee, R-Utah, have introduced a bill aimed at patent trolls filing abusive patent cases in the Eastern District of Texas, con...

Digital Attaches To Focus On Digital Economy, Internet Market Access

Washington, DC - Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced a Digital Attaché pilot program where U.S. Foreign Commercial Service Officers will focus on digital policy issues and Internet marke...

Tech Associations File Joint Court Brief In the Apple Encryption Case

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association, the Internet Association, and the i2Coalition filed a joint amicus brief  Thursday supporting Apple in its attempt to fend off an...