Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedOctober 19, 2023

CCIA Asks Massachusetts Lawmakers For Consistency Across Proposed Privacy Laws

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted written comments to the Massachusetts state legislature regarding a slate of consumer data privacy proposals (S. 227/H.60, H. 83/S.25, H.63/S. 195). The Joint Committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet and Cybersecurity is holding a hearing this afternoon to review the legislation. 

CCIA raised concerns with overly broad definitions and nonviable business compliance requirements and urged the Legislature to instead adopt comprehensive state privacy legislation that is interoperable with other state rules and invest enforcement authority with the state attorney general. 

CCIA supports comprehensive federal privacy legislation and understands that state lawmakers are acting to protect residents in their states and provide businesses regulatory clarity in its absence.

The following can be attributed to CCIA Director of State Policy Khara Boender:

“We appreciate the opportunity to request clarity and suggest definitions that are more aligned with existing frameworks so businesses and consumers have more certainty around online privacy. We are asking Massachusetts to consider pursuing comprehensive data privacy legislation that aligns with other existing state privacy laws to support interoperability and avoid burdensome compliance costs associated with minor divergences from existing laws.”