Computer & Communication Industry Association

Library Items

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Patents

CCIA Joint Amicus Brief in MLC v Micron

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Copyright

CCIA Statement for the Record for Section 512 Hearing

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Telecom

Multi-Assn Letter FCC 12Ghz 5G

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA response on the review of the application of the General Data Protection Regulation

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Trade

CCIA Files Digital Tax Comments In Response To French Government Request. Chart

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Trade

CCIA Files Digital Tax Comments In Response To French Government Request. EN

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Trade

CCIA Files Digital Tax Comments In Response To French Government Request. FR

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA Response to the HCC E-Commerce Sector Inquiry

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA’s Supplemental Submission to the UK CMA on Digital Advertising

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA – Submission to the CMA on Deliveroo

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Privacy

CCIA Offers Recommendations on GDPR enforcement

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Competition

Rekabet Multi-Sided Business Models

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Competition

CCIA Response to REKABET Inquiry

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Patents

CCIA Public Interest Comments in Neodron ITC Case

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Patents

CIA/HTIA Joint Brief in Apple and Intel v. Fortress