Computer & Communication Industry Association

Library Items

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Content Moderation

Tech Assn Senate Commerce 230 Letter

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Patents

CCIA Amicus Brief in Support of Mandamus

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Competition

CCIA – NCT Submission to Ireland

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Internet Governance

CCIA Response to the EU Finnish Presidency Consultation on the Data Economy Principles

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Patents

CCIA Comments on Proposed Opinion on Sanctions (EN and CN)

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Privacy

Joint Industry Letter on Schrems II Case Ruling

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Copyright

CCIA Statement for the Record for Fair Use Hearing

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Content Moderation

Joint Association Letter to Senate Commerce on Section 230

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Competition

CCIA Comments to DMCH on Interim Report of Competition in the Digital Advertising Market

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Trade

CCIA Reply Comments on AGOA

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA’s Comments to UK CMA Consultation on Facebook/Giphy Merger

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA’s Comments to the ACCC’s Consultation on Facebook/Giphy Merger Inquiry

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA’s Submission to ACCC on Google’s Acquisition of Fitbit

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Privacy

CCIA Multi-Industry Response Letter to Schrems II

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Patents

Public Interest Comments of CCIA