Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Competition

Apocalypse Not: The Resilience of Retail SMBs in the 2010s

This study finds that small and medium-sized retail businesses (SMBs) experienced a period of resurgence and growth in the 2010s. Empirical analyses suggest a direct link between growth of retail S...

  • Content Moderation

Government Mandates to Remove Content Are Ineffective, Costly, and Anti-Competitive

The CCIA Research Center’s ex post cost-benefit analysis of Germany’s Network Enforcement Act (Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz or NetzDG), a model for such policies, finds that in 2022, NetzDG resu...

  • Innovation Policy

The Unintended Consequences of Internet Regulation 

Over the last few years, there has been an increasing drumbeat for greater internet regulation. But even the most well-intended policy approaches may have completely unexpected negative consequence...

  • Competition

Tools To Compete: Lower Costs, More Resources, and the Symbiosis of the Tech Ecosystem

New research from the CCIA Research Center and Engine shows that startups leverage dozens of technology services and tools like AWS, GitHub, Google Suite, Zoom, and Slack to build and run their com...

  • Competition

Competitive Dynamics of Online and Brick-and-Mortar Retail Prices

Prices charged by brick-and-mortar retail channels tend to correspond closely to those charged online – good news for consumers, who benefit from a competitive retail landscape through lower pric...

  • Competition

Fireside Chat with Hal Varian on Antitrust Bills

A recent fireside chat with Google’s Chief Economist Hal Varian featured discussion on the flawed reasoning behind proposed tech regulations in antitrust bills like S. 2992, H.R. 3825, and H.R. 3...

  • Competition

Radical Proposals to Overhaul Antitrust Laws Would Cost Public Sector Workers in Pension Benefits

Radical proposals to overhaul antitrust law, such as pending bills S. 2992 and H.R. 3816, would cost 27.9 million teachers, fire fighters, and nurses almost $4,000 per person in lost retirement b...

  • Competition

The Economic Costs of Regulation of Online Platforms and Marketplaces

Online platforms and marketplaces are services that bring consumers and producers together via the internet by providing consumers direct and instantaneous access to an extensive array of global go...

  • Privacy

Beyond Personal Data: The Cost of Data Flow Restrictions to EU Companies

This report provides new evidence on how EU businesses transfer data across borders and the likely effects of restrictions to such data flows on EU businesses’ operations.

  • Competition

Consumer Preferences Embrace a Mix of Physical and Digital

New survey research by Deloitte on small and medium-sized businesses and consumers finds that competition in retail is benefiting consumers with more choice, competitive pricing and constant innova...

  • Competition

Retail Today

New survey research by Deloitte on small and medium-sized businesses and consumers finds that competition in retail is benefiting consumers with more choice, competitive pricing and constant innova...

  • Competition

Irreplaceable Acquisitions: Proposed Platform Legislation and Venture Capital

An economic analysis of the merger and acquisition restrictions in House and Senate legislation finds the provisions would have blocked a significant source of spending on tech startups and resulte...