Computer & Communication Industry Association
A Quantitative Evaluation:

The Economic Costs of Regulation of Online Platforms and Marketplaces

Online platforms and marketplaces are services that bring consumers and producers together via the internet by providing consumers direct and instantaneous access to an extensive array of global goods and services and by enabling producers to reach consumers largely untethered by size and geographic reach. The popularity of online platforms and marketplaces attests to the societal benefits these services offer to consumers and producers alike. However, some US lawmakers and competition authorities believe that the growth of these platforms is a threat to competition.

  • Trade

Consequences of EC Proposals To Extend Regulatory Scope to the Entire Digital Economy

  • Content Moderation

Repealing Section 230 Would Cost Americans Over $1.3 Trillion

Section 230 of the Communications Act (Section 230) importantly places legal accountability on communicators of speech, rather than those who merely publish it. It also allows digital services to saf...
  • Competition

State-by-State Breakdown of Economic Cost of Legislation Modeled after the New York Twenty First Century Antitrust Act

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  • Competition

Assessment of Economic Costs of Imposing Abuse of Dominance Standards at the State Level