Computer & Communication Industry Association

Fireside Chat with Hal Varian on Antitrust Bills

A recent fireside chat with Google’s Chief Economist Hal Varian featured discussion on the flawed reasoning behind proposed tech regulations in antitrust bills like S. 2992, H.R. 3825, and H.R. 3826. Together with the Computer & Communications Industry Association’s Director of Research and Economics Trevor Wagener, Hal Varian countered arguments supporting the proposed legislation and asserted that the bills would create unnecessary rifts in a thriving tech market and harm consumers with unwanted changes to effective services.

A recent fireside chat with Google’s Chief Economist Hal Varian featured discussion on the flawed reasoning behind proposed tech regulations in antitrust bills like S. 2992, H.R. 3825, and H.R. 3826. Together with the Computer & Communications Industry Association’s Director of Research and Economics Trevor Wagener, Hal Varian countered arguments supporting the proposed legislation and asserted that the bills would create unnecessary rifts in a thriving tech market and harm consumers with unwanted changes to effective services.

Varian discussed the potential unintended consequences of the proposals and explained how subjecting targeted companies to heavy-handed regulatory requirements, structural separation, and prohibitions on mergers and acquisitions would result in the de-integration of user services and create barriers to innovation by disturbing a startup-friendly economic ecosystem.

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