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Open Internet Rights in America Being Tested in Court

Earlier this week, the FCC filed a Court brief in defense of its open Internet rule that has been challenged by Verizon and one small wireless carrier, Metro PCS.   Verizon claims to support the I...
  • Telecom

CCIA Welcomes Robust Open Internet Rules Approved by European Parliament

Brussels -- Today the European Parliament voted on protections to the open Internet as part of a legislative package on telecommunications. This is the first phase in the process of adopting this legi...
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  • Internet Freedom
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Commerce To Ask For Examples of Economic Costs of Internet Censorship

Expect more action at the Commerce Department on Internet Freedom this fall. Anita Ramasastry, senior advisor for the International Trade Administration told those attending an Internet Freedom panel ...
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Google News Is Shutting Down in Spain – A Bad Day For Citizens, Online Innovation and Publishers Themselves

Today we learnt that Google will shut down its ‘Google News’ service this year in Spain. This is just one consequence of the introduction in Spain of an ancillary copyright levy (known as the ‘A...

European Court Rules Online News Sites Liable For Online Comments

Brussels -- The European Court of Human Rights has weighed in on the responsibility of news sites for user generated comments. It ruled that an Estonian news site Delfi could be held liable for commen...

CCIA Welcomes German Online Sales Competition Ruling, Broader Discussion On Online Sales Restrictions

Brussels, Belgium -- Germany’s competition authority has concluded its proceeding into the distribution of Germany’s leading brand of running shoes. The Bundeskartellamt found that ASICS restricte...

CCIA Opposes Online Personal Privacy Act

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) today announced its strong opposition S. 2201, the Online Personal Privacy Act. The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science...

House Holds Hearing On Online Sales Tax Legislation

The Computer & Communications Industry Association continues to oppose H.R. 3179, the Marketplace Equity Act, on which the House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing July 24.  The bill w...

EU Commission Releases Communication on “Tackling Illegal Content Online”

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission published a Communication on “Tackling Illegal Content Online - Towards an enhanced responsibility of online platforms” today. Its aim is to publish gu...
  • Telecom

House Energy & Commerce Approves Save the Internet Act

Washington -- The House Energy & Commerce Committee has passed its“Save the Internet Act” that would overturn the FCC’s repeal of nondiscrimination rules known as “net neutrality.” The b...
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CCIA Helps IGF Bring Internet Policy Issues Center Stage at Upcoming Bali Meeting

CCIA and our IDEA initiative are attending the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Bali, Indonesia next week (I’m attending for both) and we’re involved in several of the events taking place there ...
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Panelists Discuss Future Internet Governance At World Press Freedom Day Event

Washington- Academics, companies and a State Department official outlined the challenges ahead for Internet governance and Internet freedom at a National Press Club event marking World Press Freedom D...