Computer & Communication Industry Association

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  • Competition

New EU Distribution Rules Allow Discrimination Against Online Commerce

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission has published its draft revisions to distribution rules known as the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and the Vertical Guidelines (“VBER”). The VBER...
  • EU
  • Telecom

CCIA, Stakeholders Praise European Parliament’s Resolution Supporting the Internet Governance Forum and Online Freedoms

Brussels/Strasbourg -- As the Internet faces threats from some regimes, which seek curb online freedoms and more governmental control, the European Parliament has today issued an important resolution...

CCIA Offers Written Statement For House Energy And Commerce Hearing On Misinformation Online

Washington -- The CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter are testifying tomorrow at a hearing about misinformation and extremist content online.  The Computer & Communications Industry Associati...

European Commission Issues Temporary Rules to Allow Companies to Continue Removal of Online Child Sexual Abuse Material

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission published a proposed Regulation today allowing online communications providers to continue to detect and remove child sexual abuse material (CSAM) from the...
  • Internet Freedom

Administration Should Not Embrace Censorship Nor Hamstring Efforts To Fight Online Extremism, Says CCIA

Washington, DC --  Following recent tragedies in Texas and Ohio, the White House has publicized a meeting with technology companies to discuss responses to violent online extremism.  At the same tim...

Court of Justice of the EU Delivers Judgment In Coty Germany Case on Online Marketplace Bans

Brussels, BELGIUM --  The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) delivered its judgment in the Coty Germany case (Case C-230/16). The case deals with contractual provisions a producer of luxury cosmetics ...
  • Blog
  • EU
  • Competition

EC To Investigate Search Engine Policies

The European Commission has announced that it was opening an investigation into search and search advertising focused on Google. The investigation comes after complaints from three companies that we...
  • Copyright

New Research Find That The Internet Boosts Growth For Legacy Music Industry

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association released a white paper that compiles various studies and data showing digital distribution helped grow profits for artists a...
  • Competition

EC Issues Record Fine In Google Shopping Case; CCIA Concerned About Chilling Effect On Innovation

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission announced a record fine today. Its antitrust investigation began seven years ago after some online price comparison sites complained Google favored its own...


Washington, DC- The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) has long supported the elimination of ineffective and counterproductive encryption export controls and applauds the Clinto...
  • Press Releases
  • Privacy

CCIA Agrees With New York Privacy Bill Goals, But Requests Further Amendments On Compliance Details

Washington –  The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments today opposing New York privacy legislation that would set different standards and definitions than other pri...

Government and Industry IT Leaders Converge for Secure E-Business Executive Summit: Detail Roadmap for E-Government Transformation

Washington, DC- The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) has joined the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Federal CIO Council, the National Information Assurance Partnership...