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  • Telecom

To Protect Open Internet FCC Must Correct Classification Mistake

Washington - The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed detailed comments with the FCC today articulating the best legal and policy framework to meaningfully protect Americans’ acc...

Tech Industry Concerned About New Internet Censorship Tool In Wake Of EU Court Ruling

Washington – The implications of the European court ruling yesterday are huge, and are raising questions from Internet users around the world about how the decision might be used and misused to prom...
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  • Internet Freedom
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Internet Freedom and Jackson-Vanik

One of the most prominent trade issues in 2012 centers on Congressional approval of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) with Russia.  While extending PNTR to Russia would provide some economic be...
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MEPs, Academics, Businesses Discuss CCIA/EDiMA Internet Opportunity Study

Brussels  --- Just a month after an OECD report calling on Europe to boost productivity, CCIA and EDiMA released a report illustrating untapped potential of the Internet that could do just that. Bria...
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  • EU

Internet, innovation at the centre of major WTO event

The WTO public forum is perhaps the most visible result of the WTO’s revised public relations strategy following its tumultuous 1999 Ministerial Conference in Seattle. In recent years, it has become...
  • Competition
  • Telecom

CCIA Agrees FTC Does Not Have Authority To Protect The Open Internet

Washington - Members of Congress heard from past and current FTC and FCC officials today, including FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny, about how the FTC’s jurisdiction would fall short of being able...

India Delays Google, Facebook Internet Content Liability Trial

Google and Facebook were set to go to trial today in India on charges they did not censor content from their websites. The Wall Street Journal reports the trial in which company executives could face ...
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  • Internet Freedom
  • US

House Communications Subcommittee Expected To Register Disapproval of FCC’s Rules To Ensure Customers’ Open Internet Access

Months after the FCC’s December vote to approve the Open Internet Order we’re still talking about net neutrality. Nonstop. The House Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communica...
  • Competition

New Deloitte Studies Find Retailers Innovating and Competing to Give Consumers More Choices Than Ever Before

Washington – New survey research by Deloitte on small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and consumers finds that competition in retail is benefiting consumers with more choice, competitive pricing ...
  • Competition

New Research Reveals Strong Price Competition Between Online and Offline Sales Channels

Washington – A new economic study by the Brattle Group finds strong evidence on the dynamic competitive relationship between online and brick-and-mortar retail sales channels: both channels fiercely...

Final Open Internet Comments For FCC Submitted Today

The final round of public comments on the FCC’s Open Internet initiative are due today. With this step completed, the record is now ready for the FCC to make a decision on open Internet rules by Jan...

AT&T Threatens Fiber Build Out If Open Internet Rules Are Approved

Washington - Days after President Obama weighed in on Open Internet rules, saying the Internet was too critical to let a few big network access companies become gatekeepers for content, one of those b...