Computer & Communication Industry Association

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CCIA Urges FTC, Congress to Address Government Surveillance Along With Other Online Privacy Issues

The Computer & Communications Industry Association has filed comments today in response to the FTC’s announcement of a roundtable series to explore consumer online privacy issues. CCIA comm...
  • Statements
  • Privacy

CCIA Statement as Senate Readies Kids Online Safety Measures for a Vote

Washington - The U.S. Senate will take steps today to pass the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (KOSPA). Passage of this legislative package, which includes the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) and Chi...

Product Safety: Deal on New EU Rules Adds Complexity for Thousands of Online Marketplaces in Europe

Brussels, BELGIUM — The political agreement on the EU’s new General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), struck by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union early this morning, wi...
  • Competition

New EU Distribution Rules Will Allow Discrimination Against Online Commerce

Brussels, BELGIUM — The European Commission published the revised Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and associated Guidelines (VBER) today. This update sets the terms of trading between suppliers ...
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  • US

CCIA Supports Digital Goods Tax Fairness Act

On May 23, the House Judiciary Committee’s Courts, Commercial and Administrative Law Subcommittee held a hearing on H.R. 1860, the Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness Act.  The bill would estab...

Global Digital Trade Barriers

[mapsvg id="6"] Key Global Digital Trade Threats:
  • Press Releases
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New Jersey, North Carolina Take Lead In Child Online Literacy Programs

Washington – Teaching children to think for themselves and weigh information online is the goal behind a new online literacy program in New Jersey. While New Jersey became the first state to require...
  • Blog
  • Taxes & Trade

Rep. Chaffetz Introduces Latest Edition of Online Sales Tax Legislation

Washington -- This week, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) introduced H.R. 2775, the Remote Transactions Parity Act (RTPA), the latest legislative incarnation to force online retailers to collect sales and...

Senate Judiciary Advances Measure To Give Government Greater Control Over Online Content, Opens Risks For Online Security Through Patchwork Of State Laws

Washington -- The Senate Judiciary Committee took a step toward approving legislation, S. 3398, the “Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies” (EARNIT) Act, which would ...
  • Copyright

EU copyright deal will harm European online innovation and online rights

Brussels, BELGIUM --  Negotiators from the European Parliament, European Council and the European Commission this evening reached a political agreement to overhaul the EU’s copyright rules. The...

CCIA Applauds Senate Judiciary Committee Updates To Privacy Laws

The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved reforms to update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The updates, which still need to be passed by the full Senate and House, will more clearly exte...
  • Copyright

CCIA To Testify At Senate Hearing Tuesday On Copyright Enforcement In Other Countries

Washington -- The Senate Judiciary Intellectual Property Subcommittee will hear from witnesses Tuesday about how other countries handle online copyright infringement and liability for what users post ...