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The Unintended Consequences of Internet Regulation 

Over the last few years, there has been an increasing drumbeat for greater internet regulation. But even the most well-intended policy approaches may have completely unexpected negative consequence...

  • At A Glance

2009 Internet Censorship

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  • Internet Freedom
  • Internet Governance

Global stakeholders advance joint vision for the evolution of the Internet governance system at Istanbul conference

A record number of representatives from civil society, academia, business, technical community, and governments gathered in Istanbul on September 2-5 for the annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF).  ...
  • Telecom

CCIA Supports Net Neutrality Action Day; Readies To Appeal FCC Order In Court

Washington -- The tech industry joined public interest groups as part of a Net Neutrality Day of Action Tuesday, calling on Senators to reverse the FCC’s Order that rescinded net neutrality protecti...
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  • EU

‘Starting up the Recovery: Internet + Jobs + Growth’

It’s not often that you see a European Commissioner, or any other senior political leader, take off their jacket in favour of a t-shirt at a public event. But then again, Digital Agenda Commissioner...
  • At A Glance

2011 Internet Governance

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  • Telecom

The FCC Must Stay Strong on Open Infrastructure for Both Wired and Wireless Mobile Internet Access

As the FCC approaches another leadership transition, CCIA reiterates its commitment to the Obama Administration’s original objectives for enlightened telecommunications policy in the digital age.  ...
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  • Telecom

An Open Internet Should Never Be Taken for Granted

The Internet is essential infrastructure for most of today’s American businesses, and for citizens’ civic engagement, education, and daily life.  As a group of enlightened Senators said yesterday...
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  • US
  • Competition

Websites and the "Natural Monopoly" Myth

Over the past few years there has been a tendency, especially by those in the financial press, to play it fast and loose with economic jargon. Buzzwords replace actual understanding of issues and the ...

CCIA Praises Surveillance Reform Plans At Senate Judiciary Hearing

Washington - During a Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing Wednesday afternoon, Computer & Communications Industry Association President & CEO Ed Black testified on why it is in the na...

CCIA Praises FCC Open Internet Announcement

Washington - The FCC has wasted no time in launching a proceeding to determine a new way forward on protecting access to an open Internet. The Computer & Communications Industry Association app...

CCIA Asks Congress To Evaluate FISA Before A Renewal Vote

The House is scheduled to vote this week on a bill reauthorizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for another five years.  The vote is scheduled despite complaints from Democrats at a hearin...