Computer & Communication Industry Association

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European Commission Releases E-Privacy Proposal

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission today released its proposal for a Regulation “concerning the respect for private life and the protection of personal data in electronic communications”...

CCIA Welcomes the Civil Liberties Committee’s Opinion on the Copyright Directive

Brussels, BELGIUM -- In September 2016, the European Commission published its proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (the “Copyright Proposal”). This proposal implement...

CCIA hosts Transatlantic Digital Economy Dialogue ahead of EU-US regulatory talks

On the eve of the EU-U.S. Information Society Dialogue, CCIA hosted the third edition of our Transatlantic Digital Economy Dialogue in Brussels on January 31. Speakers included Roberto Viola (Director...
  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade

Event: CCIA Press Briefing Tuesday On EU Digital Taxation Proposals

The European Commission is scheduled to present a package of digital tax legislative proposals on Wednesday, March 21.  The package will include two Directives: The first Directive will introduce...

EU Negotiators Reach Agreement On Platform Regulation Proposal

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Negotiators from the European Parliament, Council of the EU and the European Commission this morning reached a political agreement on the so-called ‘Platform-to-Business’ Regu...
  • Copyright

France’s new hate speech law risks excessive takedowns, harms freedom of expression

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The French National Assembly today adopted its “Avia Law” aimed at combating hate speech online. The Computer & Communications Industry Association is concerned that it co...

Broadband Report Shows Digital Divide Remains

The Commerce Department released its broadband report today showing seven times more customers have high speed Internet service, but that gaps in who has access remain. The report is based on census d...

FCC Begins to Surrender Its Authority to Prevent Discrimination of Internet Content

Washington -- The FCC has voted to approve Chairman Pai’s proposal and begin the process of removing the FCC’s current authority to intervene if an Internet Service Provider creates toll lanes on ...

CCIA Applauds FCC’s Light-Touch Approach To Broadband

The FCC took steps today toward clarifying its authority to protect open Internet access. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski took a middle ground approach to narrowly reclassify the transmission componen...
  • Telecom

CCIA Praises Congressman Coffman for Introducing Net Neutrality Bill and Supporting CRA

Washington, D.C. -- This morning, Congressman Mike Coffman (R-CO), announced that he will introduce a comprehensive piece of legislation to restore net neutrality.  Coffman also announced his support...
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  • Cybersecurity

Takeaways from Disrupter Series Hearing on The Internet of Things, Manufacturing, and Innovation

The Internet of Things (IoT) is already impacting and changing the global manufacturing landscape. On Thursday January 18, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer P...
  • Blog
  • Taxes & Trade
  • US

Breadth and Depth: Expand the Number of TPP Countries and Promote Internet Trade

Today, CCIA sent letters to the United States Trade Representative (USTR) expressing our desire to see Canada, Japan and Mexico’s unconditional participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TP...