Computer & Communication Industry Association

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SOPA Markup This Thursday: What You Can Do Now To Save the Internet

What’s at stake and why should I care? Rebecca MacKinnon’s recent editorial in the New York Times says it well: “Compliance with the Stop Online Piracy Act would require huge overhead sp...

Senate Drops Controversial Internet Reporting Requirement From Intelligence Bill

  Washington - Senate leaders have removed a controversial reporting requirement from the Intelligence Authorization Act. The measure would have turned online communications companies into Inter...

New USTR NTE Report Focuses On Digital Trade Barriers, Warns That New EU Regulations Could Raise New Barriers

Washington -- The USTR has released its annual report on trade barriers. It flagged digital trade barriers like internet censorship, but also included issues with new EU regulations aimed at internet ...
  • Cybersecurity

CCIA, 10 Associations, Groups Warn Senate Judiciary Leaders EARN IT Bill Would Make Internet Less Safe, Weaken Ability To Remove Illegal Content

Washington – The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to mark up the “Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies” (EARN IT) Act on Thursday, which would weaken the la...
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CCIA Leads Technology Letter to Express Concerns EARNIT Bill Would Make Internet More Dangerous

Washington – Ahead of a markup on legislation that would make it more difficult for online services to remove dangerous content, the Computer & Communications Industry Association sent a letter ...
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Supreme Court Declines To Dislodge Bedrock Internet Law

Washington – In two landmark, unanimous decisions involving online speech, the Supreme Court has declined to impose liability on Twitter and Google for alleged terrorist activity that, plaintiffs ar...
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CCIA Offers Comments In Brazil ANATEL Proceeding on Network Investment 

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association provided input (translation here) in response to Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) consultation regarding the...

Privacy Caucus Discusses Children’s Privacy Online

The House privacy caucus held a panel discussion today on Capitol Hill today on what is needed to better protect children’s privacy online. The Computer & Communications Industry Association ...
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European Commission Presents E-Commerce Action Plan

On 11 January 2012 the Commission presented its Communication on e-commerce. The Communication sets out an action plan to double online sales and the share of the Internet economy in EU GDP by 2015. ...
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Online Behavioral Advertising in the EU – The Need for User ‘Consent’

The advertising industry has drafted a self-regulatory framework this year to meet legal requirements regarding the placement of cookies on Internet users’ machines for the purpose of online behav...
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Simplified Sales Tax Systems are Needed More than Oversimplified Argument

The Senate voted to pass S. 743, the Marketplace Fairness Act yesterday.  CCIA has long opposed this bill, which would impose burdensome tax collecting requirements on online retailers regardless o...

CCIA, Tech Trade Associations Raise Concerns About Europe’s Terrorist Content Online Proposal

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association along with 8 other tech trade associations today sent an open letter to European Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs. The ...