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Continued Concerns about the Senate’s PROTECT IP Bill, with a House Bill Likely to be Introduced Soon

There may not be extensive overlap between the beliefs and values of members of the Tea Party and the tech sector, but the threat of excessive government regulation and control over the Internet, pose...

House Judiciary Committee Releases Internet Taxation Principles

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) today welcomed the release of the House Judiciary Committee’s basic principles on Internet sales taxation. Chairman ...

U.S. House Subcommittee To Review Copyright Law Critical To U.S. Economy

Washington – As part of its ongoing review of U.S. copyright law, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Internet is holding a hearing Thursday on the legal framework that supports both copyright h...
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  • Internet Freedom

Congressional Internet Caucus Panel Explores Challenges Of EU's Right To Be Forgotten Ruling

Washington – Congressional staff heard the details at a panel discussion Friday of how Europe is now implementing its Right to be Forgotten rules.  The recent court ruling has generated controversy...

CCIA’s Response To European Court of Justice Online Privacy Ruling

Brussels –   The EU’s highest court has issued a ruling Tuesday on a case that has been dubbed the “right to be forgotten” on the Internet. The ruling means people can demand links and infor...
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  • Trade

Canada’s Online News Act Harms U.S. Trade, Journalism, and Internet Policy Two-Pager

FCC Approves Verizon Collaboration with Cable Companies

The Federal Communications Commission released its Order on Thursday approving the myriad of agreements between Verizon and its largest cable competitors.  The Order follows last week’s approval w...
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  • Taxes & Trade

House Judiciary Subcommittee Examines Data Flow Policies, Other Digital Trade Barriers

Washington -- House Judiciary IP & Internet subcommittee chairman Darrell Issa opened Tuesday’s hearing titled “International Data Flows: Promoting Digital Trade in the 21st Century” by sayi...

State Department’s Rob Strayer Begins Work Leading International Engagement On Internet, Digital Economy Issues

Washington -- A new Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Cyber and International Communications and Information Policy began work this week at the State Department. Rob Strayer will help advocate f...
  • Telecom

CCIA Responds To FCC Arguments on Abdicating its Duty to Protect Net Neutrality

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association, along with the Entertainment Software Association, Internet Association, and the Writers Guild of America, West, asked the D.C. Ci...

CCIA Praises Nomination of Wheeler As FCC Chairman

The Computer & Communications Industry Association praised President Obama’s decision to nominate Tom Wheeler as FCC Chairman. The following can be attributed to CCIA President & CEO Ed B...
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  • Telecom

Comm Laws Must Promote Competitive Choice for Mobile Internet Connections, Landline Broadband Access

Companies that have successfully challenged legacy monopoly landline and duopoly wireless telecom incumbents for a modest share of American customers seem to find much to like about the 1996 Telecom A...