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The New Commission Must Make Online Sales Restrictions A Priority

Completing the digital single market to support Europe’s increasingly connected economy will be a top priority for the new Juncker-led Commission. While Commission officials embark upon formulating ...
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CCIA Comments in Opposition to VA HB 562

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Repealing Section 230 Would Cost Americans Over $1.3 Trillion

Section 230 of the Communications Act (Section 230) importantly places legal accountability on communicators of speech, rather than those who merely publish it. It also allows digital services to saf...
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CCIA Letter – VA HB 707/SB 361, as amended (Oppose)

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CCIA Comments in Opposition to VA SB 164 (as amended)

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CCIA Written Opposition Testimony for VA HB 877

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CCIA Written Opposition Testimony for VA SB 359

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CCIA Written Opposition Testimony for VA SB 532

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CCIA Comments in Opposition to VA SB 252

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CCIA Comments in Opposition to VA SB 164

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CCIA Written Opposition Testimony for HB 1115

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CCIA Opposition Testimony for VA SB 532