Computer & Communication Industry Association

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35th Annual Washington Caucus

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WTO E-Commerce Negotiations Are Opportunity To Improve Digital Trade

Washington - Talks are set to take place this week in Geneva on the WTO e-commerce discussions. In January, over 70 WTO members announced their intent to move forward with negotiations on trade-relate...

CCIA Welcomes Signing of USMCA

Washington - The President has signed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) into law this morning. This follows historic bipartisan votes in both the House and Senate in December and earlier this m...

CCIA Welcomes Senate Vote on USMCA

Washington - The U.S. Senate has passed legislation implementing the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement into U.S. law.  The Computer & Communications Industry Association applauds passage of the USMCA...

CCIA Welcomes Signing of U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement

Washington --  The Computer & Communications Industry Association congratulates the three countries on the signing of the U.S-Mexico-Canada Agreement this morning on the sidelines of the G20 Summ...

White House Offers Draft Legislative Privacy Proposal

Washington -- The White House has released a comprehensive consumer privacy legislative proposal today.  The discussion draft, originally announced in the President’s State of the Union address las...

CCIA Seeks Strong U.S. Response in French Digital Tax Investigation

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments and will testify at a hearing Tuesday before the Office of the United States Trade Representative calling for a stro...

CCIA, Business Associations Send Letter to Congressional Leaders on Support for USMCA

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined a dozen associations in a letter to House and Senate leaders explaining their support for the United States-Mexico-Canada Ag...
  • Telecom

CCIA, INCOMPAS Offer Comments On FCC’s Proposed C-Band Spectrum Auction

Washington -- In response to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s recent announcement of a proposed public auction of valuable C-band spectrum, the Computer & Communications Industry Association co-authored ...
  • Copyright

CCIA Asks Supreme Court To Preserve Copyright Framework That Allows Interoperability

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association has filed an amicus brief in a Supreme Court case that has major implications for the entire tech industry. The issue in Google v. ...

CCIA Submits Set-Top Box Whitepaper: “Unlock the Box: How to Address Opposition and Boost Competition”

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association has submitted a white paper to the FCC today that offers a way to bridge the gap between the FCC’s plan to bring competition to T...
  • Copyright

CCIA To Testify At USTR’s Special 301 Hearing

Washington -- Computer & Communications Industry Association Vice President Matt Schruers will testify at a USTR hearing today on what should be included in its annual report on other countries’...