Computer & Communication Industry Association

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Tech Industry Concerned About New Internet Censorship Tool In Wake Of EU Court Ruling

Washington – The implications of the European court ruling yesterday are huge, and are raising questions from Internet users around the world about how the decision might be used and misused to prom...
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  • Internet Freedom
  • Internet Governance

Outcome from the Net Mundial Global Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance

Going in, the business sector hoped for some consensus on both substantive Internet governance principles and a process roadmap for the future evolution of the governance ecosystem.   We were not di...
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  • EU
  • Internet Freedom

Keeping Governments from Controlling the Internet: Why Geneva Matters

Geneva is the epicenter of intergovernmental processes that have a key impact on the future of the Internet.  As the only ICT sector trade association in Geneva, CCIA Geneva is in a great position to...
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CCIA Offers Recommendations To Combat Trade Barriers From Internet Censorship

Chairman Wyden, D-Ore, said President Obama hopes to double exports within 5 years and he sees Internet and tech companies as instrumental to achieving that – if the U.S. can reduce the trade barrie...
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  • White Papers & Reports

“Internet Opportunity” Report Charts Europe’s Productivity Gains

Brussels –The Internet is helping traditional industries in Europe remain competitive, according to a new report released by the  Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) and EDiMA...

CCIA, Mozilla File Court Brief Supporting FCC’s Open Internet Order

Washington, DC – The Computer & Communications Industry Association and Mozilla filed a joint amicus curiae brief in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday supporting the FCC in the legal c...

FCC Approves Verizon Collaboration with Cable Companies

The Federal Communications Commission released its Order on Thursday approving the myriad of agreements between Verizon and its largest cable competitors.  The Order follows last week’s approval w...

EU Competition Commissioner Issues Statement of Objections to Google

Brussels - Today, European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager announced that the European Commission has issued a statement of objections in the Google competition investigation.  The Commis...
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France’s 3 Strikes “Hadopi” to be Abolished; U.S. Preparing Copyright Alert System

Certain industries who prioritize controlling their content expend considerable amounts of time and money on lobbying for legislation, such as SOPA and PIPA.  However, the RIAA, one of the most voc...

CCIA Praises Nomination of Wheeler As FCC Chairman

The Computer & Communications Industry Association praised President Obama’s decision to nominate Tom Wheeler as FCC Chairman. The following can be attributed to CCIA President & CEO Ed B...
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  • Telecom

Comm Laws Must Promote Competitive Choice for Mobile Internet Connections, Landline Broadband Access

Companies that have successfully challenged legacy monopoly landline and duopoly wireless telecom incumbents for a modest share of American customers seem to find much to like about the 1996 Telecom A...

CCIA Reaction To Obama Win, Senate Changes

We congratulate President-elect Obama, Vice President-elect Biden, and all those elected to the Senate and House who face historic challenges and opportunities. President-elect Barack Obama used te...