Computer & Communication Industry Association

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CCIA Applauds Passage of Email Privacy Act

Washington - The House approved the Email Privacy Act under a suspension of the rules Monday. The legislation, which passed with a voice vote, would enhance privacy protections to citizens’ email. T...
  • Telecom

Wheeler Intends To Protect Open Internet Access Using Title II

Washington - FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler confirmed in an article in Wired today that he will ask the FCC to classify broadband Internet access as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Commun...
  • Telecom

CCIA To Intervene In Upcoming Court Case To Preserve Net Neutrality

Washington -- The tech industry will be intervening in the upcoming effort to appeal the FCC’s recent reversal of its 2015 Open Internet rules that protected net neutrality. While public interest gr...
  • EU
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

Europe’s Digital Strategy Must Enable Internet Innovation

Brussels - The European Commission today announced its determination to achieve the bold and necessary goal of creating a single European-wide digital market by stripping away unnecessary national rul...

CCIA Praises FCC’s Request For Comments On Broadband Classification

The FCC has approved a formal process today to gather feedback on the FCC chairman’s proposal to narrowly reclassify the transmission component of broadband Internet access as a telecommunications s...

CCIA Calls France’s ‘Three Strikes’ Law A Strike Against Internet Freedom and Free Speech

CCIA Calls France’s ‘Three Strikes’ Law A Strike Against Internet Freedom and Free Speech Washington – A trade association that has been a long-time advocate for Internet freedom is calling on...

CCIA Praises Malaysia, China Decisions On Internet Filtering

News reports Thursday quote a Malaysian government official saying that three ministries have been asked to study alternatives to Internet filtering. This follows earlier news reports that the Malaysi...
  • Blog
  • EU
  • Internet Freedom

Tensions Rise in Global Battle Over Internet Freedom as UN Discusses Human Rights Online

In the global battle over the future of the Internet countries that stand for an open, dynamic web with minimal regulation and limits on free expression are increasingly under pressure from authoritat...

CCIA Offers "Friend Of The Court" Brief In Support Of Justice Department Litigation Against Microsoft

(Washington, DC) — In a news conference this morning at the National Press Club, Ed Black, President of the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), made the following statement: ...
  • Blog
  • Patent Reform & Copyright
  • US

Senators Reintroduce COICA Under New Name, Same Controversial Internet Censorship Directives

Today, the blogosphere has lit up with controversy as the Bill Formerly Known As COICA was reintroduced in the Senate, sporting a new coat of paint and a freshly minted backronym: “the PROTECTIP Ac...
  • Internet Governance

CCIA Deeply Concerned by Turkish Government Threat to Block Internet Services, Social Media

Brussels/Geneva --  The Computer & Communications Industry Association was, like many others, troubled to hear reports yesterday that the Government of Turkey is considering widespread additional...

CCIA Offers “Friend Of The Court” Brief In Support Of Justice Department Litigation Against Microsoft

(Washington, DC) — In a news conference this morning at the National Press Club, Ed Black, President of the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), made the following statement: ...